MiniJob für Studenten?
Kennt jemand Studentenfreundliche Minijob? Quasi ein Job der nicht viel Arbeit erfordert (körperlich und mental). Am besten was man nur am Wochenende macht, da mein Studiengang sehr schwer ist darf die Uni nicht drunter leiden! Das Geld sollte zwischen 200-300€ sein
auf antworten würde ich mich freuen
Gruß x
help in the supermarket who often seek people for the goods
But there is actually a need to WORK for money too
Of course you have to, no one pays someone for nothing.
I myself had a holiday job in the supermarket in the 10th and must say the 5-6h goods clean up absolutely easy is
sounds great, thank you!
Is it or not? Those who come mentally and physically and the limits should possibly. Ask for yourself
But the questioner wants to have his money practically for nothing
“Quasi a job that doesn’t require much work (physical and mental)”.
You have to find a job on site. What helps if I find the night watcher at the Museum of Munich and you live in Berlin
I am aware of the need for ideas such as bakers or books 🙂
Look into the job search of the employment agency, look at the curtains in retail stores and in gastronomy.
Why apply for a long time? Simply send your account number to potential employers so that they can transfer the “content”.
Why work anyway?
Just shut up if you don’t understand the question
If you’re too stupid to go through the pedestrian zone, you just have to let Sarkasmus fall
I think he understood the question quite well. Mal grossly translated: find much money as possible without working