Mini Waschmaschine (Faltbar) – (Wäschewanne) empfehlenswert?
Moin 🙂
Wohne alleine aber habe zu wenig Platz um mir eine große Waschmaschine zu kaufen, daher muss ich immer knapp 2Std öffentlich fahren, um bei meiner Schwester waschen zu können.
Da dies auch nicht immer geht, wollte ich mal fragen ob solchen Mini waschemaschinen bzw Wannen wirklich etwas taugen?
Rezensionen sagen ja, dennoch weiß ich, daß Bewertungen auch gerne mal gefälscht werden:)
Zur dauerhaften Nutzung soll das natürlich nicht dienen.
Aber nehmen wir mal an, die Familie fährt in den Urlaub für 3-4 Wochen.
Wäre es ratsam die Wäsche solange dort drin zu waschen?
Wird sie wirklich sauber?
Entfernt es wirklich Gerüche etc?
Ich hoffe jemand hat Erfahrung mit solchen Maschinen und kann weiterhelfen:)
I wouldn’t buy a foldable one. Put another 40 Euro on it and you really get a sensible one that will make you happy in the long term.
And what is your solution to the space problem?
From money I can buy a big one but for 22qm it will be a little tight in the long term
Either or. I wouldn’t get one like that, so I don’t advise you on permanent use, and it’s obviously meant for it. Yes with “normal” wash it will be so clean that you can wear it after it, but it’s better you have too little capacity per wash cycle, you’re constantly washing, no integrated dryer, then you can totally annoy your laundry with your hands etc. If the place is really more important than those points, get them. This is all I say..:)
So what?
For a “normal” unfortunately too little space..
Sure. By the way, you will definitely find them cheaper than the 120euro in not or little used, at Google search, Ebay classifieds, or so.
No, that was what was written on my question, which should not be used for permanent use.
(The Little)
But good, then I’ll buy the sent from just now.
Thank you.
No, you didn’t write that. Neither in your question nor in our chat was the kind of machines… Yes, I would have recommended you for a lasting mission.
Why better look?
I wrote that I found a similar one (with hurdle)
I think I’ll get them.
It should be better than the other.
Then you’ll have to look better, ’cause I have one with a slingshot. Yeah, it’s time to go.
I found another one where you can throw the laundry after that.
And as described in the question, it is NOT intended to come to the end-use.
From time to time.
You can forget that. Maybe you can wash two underwear in there. With larger pieces of laundry, this bucket will fail.
If not so much space is perhaps a top loader with only 40 cm width would be an alternative.
Also for a normal toplader unfortunately too little space.
I’ve seen a test on the TV, after that you had to wipe the bathroom and the laundry wasn’t clean, detergent wasn’t rinsed out of the laundry and she was driping
Something like that would happen.
Something like that?
Evtl also saw a video.
My parents used to have a small one for the garden, so you could also spin around the 100€, but I can’t tell them what they mean but they had the ones from eBay
Something like that?
Yeah, they looked so similar, look at the reviews. 😊
Would you like a launderette? You can try it.
Hey 🙂 I’ve been looking. There are no more nearby.