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1. What are you playing about?
Two. Any mods?
3. Once in the task manager, what is exactly done and whether really minecraft is the problem?
It stands cpu 70% and gpu 20% loaded
I guess you didn’t increase the RAM assigned to Minecraft, and it’s the normal (4?) GB.
As soon as you install some mods or so, nix goes more.
Internet(on server)?
There are many reasons why it lies.
The fps lay
did you see if your monitor is connected with your graphics card and not with the mainboard it could also put it
It’s on the cpu!
I think it’s from a setting in Minecraft or on your Windows since I’m looking at it is only in MC the case with the kaffs if probably you need to inquire about Minecraft settings maybe what’s off or set to too little.
Where are you so sure?
See if your GeForce is in their 3D clock mode at all, or if it remains in 2D mode with a few 100 Mhz.
I think the cpu is the problem not the gpu
Please check The Information in the system ♪ on my part asked. Otherwise it won’t do anything.
Even if I’m on 140 cap, it’s the same proble.
If you don’t want my help, stop here.
I’m just telling you the keyword “Frametimes” in consideration, it’s like I’m proposing to try with an FPS limiter to 100 instead of up to 2000 FPS.
It’s not about me, and why can’t you answer me if that’s what you asked about the cpu?
I’m out, but in the last attempt, I recommend using an FPS limiter for evener frametimes as a whole. Simply adjust monitor nominal frequency – 1 to 2 FPS depending on the monitor.
But I have 2000fps if I don’t start the farm so it must be because of the cpu or does it have something to do with the cpu what you asked me?