Minecraft chat in batch console senden (MIT filter) HOW?

Ich hätte gerne einen Code, der mir Den MC Chat in die WIN cmd zeile ausgibt aber nicht alles sondern nur text mit gewissen keywords wie wenn in dem text von jem Katze drinne steht und Katze ein keyword ist das dann dieser text an die cmd zeile gesendet wird.

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1 year ago

So that would be a bit of code the chat GPT spit out. so everything the server outputs is written into a file. I don’t know if these logs are the comments there at all, otherwise simply with if then read out the comments

There are several ways to scan the output of a console program that is started with the command line (cmd). One possibility is to redirect the output of the program to a text file which can then be scanned after completion of the program.

To redirect the output to a text file, you can use the so-called “redirection operator”: “>” redirects the output of the program to a new file while “>>” attaches the output to an existing file.

Example: If you want to run a program called “meinprogramm.exe” and redirect the output to a file called “Edit.txt”, you can use the following command:

Copy code
meinprogramm.exe > ausgabe.txt

This redirects the output of “meinprogramm.exe” to a new file called “Edit.txt”. This file can then be scanned with a text editor or script.

If you want to display the output of the program in real time and write it into a file at the same time, you can use the following command:


Copy code
meinprogramm.exe | tee ausgabe.txt

This command uses the “tee” utility that displays the output of “meinprogramm.exe” both on the screen and writes into a file called “Edit.txt”.

Another way to scan the output of a console program is to forward the output of the program directly to a script or another program that can process and analyze the output. In this case, use the so-called “Pipe Operator” (|) to pass the output of one program to the other.

Example: If you want to forward the output of “meinprogramm.exe” to a script called “meinscript.py”, you can use the following command:

Copy code
meinprogramm.exe | python meinskript.py

As a result, the output of “meinprogramm.exe” is transferred to the Python script “meinscript.py”, which can process and analyze the output.