Mindestlohn wird erhöht?

Angeblich wil Bundeskanzler Mindestlohn auf 14€ oder 15€ erhöhen.
Nehmen wir mal an, Mindestlohn wird auf 15€ erhöht,

Was passiert mit den Leuten, die 15 oder 16€ verdienen ? Also kriegen die dann ne Gehalt Erhöhung oder was?
Danke und LG

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4 months ago

In any case, there will be many demands for wage increases. Many commercial employees e.g. B. earn just 15 EUR per hour.

If the minimum wage should now be increased to EUR 15 it would mean that even someone who does not train and stands on the conveyor belt deserves as much as a qualified force.

For a specialist who has invested several years in their training and devote himself to much more demanding activities, it would be anything but a motivation if it no longer deserves more than someone who is carrying out aid activities and would demand a salary increase. If a single employee demands this, it will probably happen less, but if the entire workforce demands this, it will happen.

4 months ago

Supposedly wil increase the minimum wage to €14 or €15.

A lot will be wanted when the day is long. Closed is only 12.81 from 2025.

What happens to the people who earn 15 or 16€, so they get a salary increase or what?

It’s not automatism.

In collective agreements there are collective bargaining and these usually lead to an increase. Emergency strike. They are mostly percentages. So whether someone of the act. 15 € then deserves genoa at 16, probably only the crystal ball lands.

If someone is not in the collective agreement you have to negotiate independently. But that should be done every 2 or so years, regardless of the Minestlohn. Who waits for him to get the minimum wage waiting too long.

4 months ago
Reply to  Rais53

At some point, the minimum wage will be there. And if only in 10 or 15 years.

As I said, however, I would not wait for the minimum wage, but would regularly lose 3 to 6% if you are not involved in a collectively collectively somewhere.

If you’re in the collective agreement, you should get the increases.

That’s how you always stay over it. And that at a distance. Speak if the minimum wage arrives at 15 the person has ideally for a long time the 16 and possibly rises to 17.

4 months ago

The employer decides that.

4 months ago

This must then be clarified individually by workers in wage negotiations – outside minimum wages and collective wages is the case of negotiation.

4 months ago

The chancellor cannot increase the minimum wage. There is an independent minimum wage commission.

All Sozi Electoral Sweat To Don’t Fall Under The 5% Hour

4 months ago


That would surprise me…

4 months ago

They then have luck and the wage is equal to the minimum wage – no one gets more

more “simplified jobs”

4 months ago

No, they get minimum wages.

4 months ago

What about 14 to 15? We just have a minimum wage of about 12.50

4 months ago

No only the people who earn under minimum wages

4 months ago

No, they deserve minimum wages.