Mindestgewicht Periode?

Ich habe gehört, dass die Periode ein gewisses Mindestgewicht voraussetzt. Ich weiß, dass das bei jeder anders ist, aber kennt ihr einen ungefähren Richtwert?

Vielen Dank!

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10 months ago

I’m not saying there’s at least value. Even in my worst eating disorder, I still had period more often than before. Mostly, it’s nutritional, so if you take bad nutrients to you, 60kg can’t have a period, but this isn’t up to 40kg.

But it is said that the period is from 17.5 and less at most with eating disorder then away. With you, under 49.5, it would no longer be possible to expect period. These are only indicative values and not physical laws.

10 months ago
Reply to  Youareme

Thanks for the star.

10 months ago


No, there’s no target, not even close.

Every body is different, I know one that had underweight but was completely healthy. Their metabolism was simply extremely fast even though their thyroid was healthy. She got her period quite normal with 12 and it still runs quite normal.

Others, in turn, are at the lower limit to the underweight (1-3 kilos less and they have underweight) and their period already remains or does not come at all.

It is therefore impossible to give a target value. However, one should nevertheless be as normal as possible in the average weight. Where your normal weight is you can’t say we need your age, weight and size to determine that.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀

