Military aircraft in the Wesel district?

This morning and earlier I think military planes flew over the houses.

very loud and unusual.

What kind of planes are these and where are they going? Is there a reason for this?

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2 years ago

Unfortunately, you don’t write what it was for airplanes.

That planes are flying over the houses is actually normal. I would think if they were to fly between the houses…. ๐Ÿ™‚

This can have many reasons:

  • Transfer flight
  • Transport flight
  • Exercise flight / Manรถver
  • Test flight
  • Alarm flight (because unauthorized aircraft have entered the airspace)
  • Possibly there is also a connection with securing the Nato-East flank


2 years ago

I’ve seen many military machines in my corner lately. Mostly the Hercules c130 used by the Amis. They flew to Ramstein on the airbase

2 years ago

As long as the fascist is the difference between C130, A400 M and C160 ๐Ÿ˜‰

2 years ago

These were sometimes 2 Tornado combat jets about 700m high

2 years ago

Where do you live?