Militär uboot kaufen?

Ich wollte mal wissen ob ich mir theoretisch ein ausgedient Militär uboot kaufen kann?

Zum Beispiel die “HMCS CHICOUTIMI” (weil die mir im uboot Buch gerade so entgegen gesprungen ist)

Mal abgesehen davon das ich es mir weder leisten könnte noch eine Verwendung hätte und mich noch dazu nicht in 57 man Besatzung spalten kann…

Dürfte ich dieses uboot besitzen?

Was wäre nötig damit ich es mein eigen nennen dürfte?

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5 years ago


In principle, a private person may purchase military material. Of course, it is prepared beforehand so that it can no longer be used militaryly.

If you want to go into the sea stilts, there are many hurdles. It must meet all civilian regulations of shipping (e.g. rescue equipment), all regular maintenance work must be done by professionals, the entire crew has the necessary qualification and you must allow it somewhere (D is too expensive, i.e. flag of Panama, Greece, Malta etc.).

It is easier if your pre-garden is large enough. You can use it for parties, events of any kind, as a hotel or as a garden gnome.

Only the zone-place regulation of the domicile community must agree to set up this “garden house”. But who can say no!


5 years ago

You can own it. It can’t be armed. But the acquisition and possession of submarines is not prohibited. Of course, there is a berth.

5 years ago

It would have to be demilitarized and of course you would have to be rich. Then there’s nothing in the way of a diving trip.

5 years ago

I can’t tell you that in detail. There are many possibilities.
Nen driving license you also need in size.

5 years ago

But if you always look at Steel Buddies, you know that you have to use something like that. Otherwise, the office can “write” as a waste. In this case, there’s a lot of junk worth, but the thing burns apart, take it. Could be expensive.