Milchzahn wackelt mit fester Zahnspange?
Ich habe seid ca. 6 Monaten eine feste Zahnspange. Ich habe noch ungefähr 3 oder 4 Milchzähne. Ich glaube einer davon wackelt
Was macht man wenn ein Zahn wackelt obwohl man eine feste Zahnspange hat? Einfach warten bis er sozusagen “rausfällt” aber halt noch mit der Zahnspange festgehalten wird und beim nächsten Termin wird er dann raus gemacht?
Lg Finja
Hello Finja,
Milk teeth don’t have a bracket, they won’t be ligated.
Usually they are pulled when they are shaking and if necessary the bow is taken out.
Good luck!
Hey, thanks for your answer. So with me there’s a bracket on it, but I don’t think the tooth is shaking. It can be that the gum is just a bit lit:)
You can’t get fixed braces with milk teeth.
I have
Yeah, if you don’t say anything about it, you can write it to yourself. In fact, if I don’t know that, but if you still allow that then you’re your own fault
…the comment is not stupid, but true!
So if they couldn’t think of it themselves, I’m sorry to give you a right
So my whole family has no common sense or what? You don’t know anything like that. No matter what I’m discussing with you now because I don’t think my tooth is shaking
What, for example? I think you’re the one who lacks intelligence, because even with a little healthy human mind you have to check that you can’t wear braces, you still have milk teeth, this problem you have now seen every normal person before.
How would I know you can’t do that? I’m not a doctor. I’ve read your other answers, you’re probably writing such stupid comments.