Milch nach Weißheitszahn OP?
Hey wollte mich mal erkundigen, ob an dem Mythos von keine Milchprodukte nach Weißheitszahn OP etwas dran ist, da es echt zu viele Quellen gibt, mein Zahnarzt zb meinte es wäre völlig egal was ich mache, solange es kein Alkohol, Zigaretten, Koffein oder harte Lebensmittel sind. Während man in sehr großer Menge Online sieht, das Milchprodukte auch den Heilungsprozess verlangsamen.Wollte mir nämlich einen Haufen Müllermilch und Milchbrötchen besorgen.
The consumption of milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese should be dispensed with directly after a wisdom tooth surgery, as the lactic acid bacteria contained in the products can penetrate into the wound and cause inflammation there. In addition, lactic acid bacteria can dissolve wound chords already formed prematurely, so that the wound bleeds. In addition, there is the risk of interactions with drugs.
Food by Wisdom-tooth-OP: What is allowed? –
Look at the antibiotic whether it is milk. I was therefore not allowed to eat or drink milk products and not because of the op.
Test it. Let’s see. Don’t live in the jungle
Very thoughtful answer👍🏾
2 days long after extraction or wisdom tooth surgery do not drink milk. Eating dairy products is completely OK.