Hi ich bin 17 Jahre alt und irgendwie hab ich das Gefühl das seit dem ich 14 bin mein penis nicht Ansatzweise wächst er ist im uneregtem Zustand gerade mal 6cm groß. Mache mir echt sorgen. Ich kam aber erst vor 2 Monaten erst in den Stimmbruch meint ihr er könnte noch wachsen?
The “tail comparison” is usually made with the erected penis length and penis circumference. Unfinished 6cm are now nothing disturbing, on the contrary: completely normal.
Sure, definitely. You’re a spider. There’s something going on, but everything’s gonna be fine. Even if he doesn’t get that big, there are people who like it.
Absolutely to the endocrinoologist, now! Next week!
It is possible that there is a hormonal problem. You have to treat them (let) otherwise you will later have very terrible problems with your health (depression, obesity, earlier diabetes, terrible heat cold flashes, impotence etc.). With a hormone replacement therapy, you could live top, better than some who are always just under the average of hormones and are not pre-treatment.
There may also be design and it is just your genetics but it is 100% accountable!
As a rule, man develops up to about 21 years. Then man is said to have grown up. It’s different for everyone. One of these things is going on sooner. It’s like nature has for you.
When you got into a break with 17 you’re probably late developers.
What about orgasm and ejaculation? Do you have that or can you get it?
Otherwise just go to the doctor to check up!
In Salinas, in the southwest of the island, the Guevedoce live. That means translated as much as “Penis with 12” and describes exactly what happens. Girls get boys in puberty. They come to the world as girls, with all biological characteristics. With puberty grows them a penis; they walk their sex.
With you this is not so, but according to your statement, you have recently come to puberty and therefore the development is probably delayed with you. You can ask a doctor next time.
It can still be, don’t worry
Safe that can grow until 21 years of age i think