Micronutrient analysis in a vegan/vegetarian diet?

I have been a vegetarian since the beginning of 2020 and have been living almost entirely vegan since the beginning of 2023.

I've been struggling (actually, for years, sometimes in phases, sometimes less) with fatigue/exhaustion, lack of motivation, sometimes difficulty concentrating, blemished skin, and sometimes numb/tingling limbs. Therefore, I would like to do a micronutrient analysis to determine if these symptoms might be due to deficiencies. I'm currently supplementing (more or less regularly) with "vegan life essentials" from Sunday Naturals and Omega-3 algae oil capsules.

I had already mentioned my wish or suspicion to my family doctor, but unfortunately the practice does not work with the relevant laboratories.

Is a micronutrient analysis useful in my case, and if so, where is the best place to get it done? Can you tell me about your experiences with it? Do you have any other tips/advice? I'm a bit desperate at the moment.

PS: Please refrain from comments like "it's your own fault, just eat meat/fish/eggs again." First of all, I'm not doing this vegan thing for fun or because I want to make life difficult for myself or others, but for ethical and ecological reasons and because I see no other choice. Second, the current situation is already stressing me out enough, so I really can't use any accusations or blame right now. Thank you <3

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2 years ago

The laboratory of your nurse should be able to test the most important critical nutrients. If the doctor does not see any reason for these tests (despite tingling limbs and other problems), you may have to pay yourself.

If this does not work, see if there is a doctor’s practice with a focus on nutritional medicine in your area, which performs a more extensive nutrient analysis.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mona12345904

I’d be looking for another conversation with her. What values were collected half a year ago? Surely it would be important to know. By default, there is no B12 status. You shouldn’t let that creep down under the table in conversation.

I am not a healer fan, even if there are certain experienced healers who could help one or the other.

2 years ago

Thanks for the star. You’re better now, and the values are as good as possible. That’s good. If you get clear problems again, visit the doctor or another doctor. Maybe even a neurologist would be an idea if the tingling would eventually occur again. B12 could be tested every one or two years. All right.

2 years ago

I’ve been eating vegan for five years. Here are some tips that are important to note and: You don’t need to worry about nutrient deficiency:

Many people make the mistake when they turn on vegan, that they mean to feed mainly fruit and vegetables. However, as our body drives on sugar, this is its energy that it should get through starchy carbohydrates, our main food should be according to potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, corn, millet, all grains, beans, lentils, etc. that is also a point that many raw food vegans do not understand and then just drive a calorie restoration that cannot be healthy. Many raw chefs try to balance their calorie deficit with too much fat-containing herbal food, which is not optimal. A vegan high carb low fat, no oil isolate diet would be the optimal vegan diet. And you should always eat unlimited pappsatt. You would lose your body fat with this diet if you had it until you are on normal weight and would have a very healthy way to take it and without the notorious Jojo effect.

On the subject of deficiencies, one simply has to know that one does not have to fear this in the vegan diet after just described diet. The food industry has also insecure people by warning, for example, against protein and calcium deficiency. Both is a SCAM and simply does not exist!

There is something like calcium deficiency not with sufficient calorie intake. This is an invention of the dairy industry and also the official bodies for nutrition tell this. There is no evidence of calcium deficiency. The WHO was looking for it and they could not find a single case for calcium deficiency.

In milk, as stated, approx. 25% of the calcium are taken up, 75% for plant food.But with what price over the milk? Shouldn’t you eat herbal food? All dark green plants, such as green cabbage, contain good calcium, but also sesame (just in the smoothie some sesame seeds with into the high-performance mixer). How does a cow get her calcium? She eats grass!

So if you eat vegan high carb low fat, no oil ISOLATE reasonably, it is impossible to get any defects. And this was shown in countless studies. Furthermore, however, the often claimed protein deficiency is a SCAM, a scam of the food industry, because it simply does not exist! It is impossible to get a protein deficiency if you are not currently massively sub-nourished. On the contrary, one has always the problem that one eats too much protein, which, however, is not a problem with vegetable protein, but is a big problem with animal protein and is massively harmful to health. Protein is contained in every plant food in perfect ideal form. 0.6 – 0.8 g of protein per kg of body wiped per day are completely sufficient. Already a bowl of oat flakes in the morning almost already covers the daily protein requirement. When you arrive in the evening, you will always find that you are always above your daily protein requirement together with the other meals.

So if you feed yourself plantally, like a man, no defects will be experienced. Now don’t come with any extreme case, what if you’re just eating bananas. Are you fed with bananas? No, you don’t. They feed on a variety of ways.

So if you feed yourself as described, you can’t get a lack of anything. Why not? Because nature didn’t make a mistake. How does an animal get everything it needs? An animal also needs everything possible: vitamins, minerals, enzymes, everything possible. How does the animal get all this? Animals have quite a simple diet. They graze, for example, and get everything they need. What’s that about? This is because nature has not forgotten to do anything there in the grass. Forget to do protein in it, or something else has to forget to do in it. There are no shortcomings.

The only problem that can arise is that, for example, we have an iodine deficiency area in Germany, so it may be that, if you never take iodine, you never take algae, sushi e.g. B. eats, never eats anything that contains iodine that you could get problems with iodine. Jod is really the only thing I’d say, yes, you might have to look a little bit at putting something into his food. You only need very little iodine and have to be careful with overdose, which is also harmful again. And, of course, no iodized salt, that is artificial iodine, that is harmful, but then, as already described above, one eats something, for example, from the Norwegian leaves and is good. But that is not because nature has forgotten something, that is because it has been leached out. One has grown too often and therefore there is hardly any iodine in the soil.

How do you get no deficiencies in vegan diet? Easily eat (after HCLF, High Carb Low Fat, no oil isolates). The wider our variation in food, the better. There are so many herbal foods!

There are other things, but that’s not a problem and you don’t have to worry about getting a lack of it. Evtl. Selen: You just build very little paranosas. in his diet with one (a paranus per week is completely sufficient) or sesame and is good (seed-containing vegetable foods are, for example: rice, paranes, sesame, blue wort, asparagus). To get such a shortage, you would have to have fed yourself completely for years.

So, just eating herbal food is good. There is no protein deficiency, no calcium deficiency, no fat deficiency, and all these ever claimed deficiencies. But never forget, as is now often emphasized, vegetables and fruit are not our main food. The human body travels primarily on carbohydrates, i.e. on potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, corn, buckwheat, millet, cereals, beans, lentils, etc. . It must always be supplied sufficiently. Get your strength out of here, that’s your power, your fuel you need primarily. You must never forget that, that is very important.

So: Don’t push movies, just feed vegans, the more variations the better, the higher is simply the probability that you get iodine and selenium, for example, and is good. There are no problems with defects!

On the subject of B12 I just answered here in a GF response. Because there is no artificial B12-ISOLAT, and there is actually no B12 problem. It is a lie propaganda of the mentioning industry:

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas021

You’re all over the subject with your answer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Diaetassistent

Then you didn’t understand my answer or did not really read and understand what I wrote. The topic of nutrient deficiencies is a scam that is to be seen. There can be no nutrient deficiencies if you eat vegan high carb, low fat, no oil ISOLATE, as described in my answer.

2 years ago

I even read your answer twice.

The topic of nutrient deficiencies is a scam that is to be seen. There can be no nutrient deficiencies if you eat vegan high carb, low fat, no oil ISOLATE,

now this is your opinion and a -very daring – thesis. ABER, I’m reading the PDF from you. Let me read.

1 year ago

Personally, I would take the values from the bloodstream and see if they were really so good. So I do not think enough to feel right well. At Strunz or edubily you will find the appropriate welfare values. How exactly do you cover your protein needs?

Good improvement!

2 years ago

Kommen wir gleich zu den Symptomen:

Ich habe (eigentlich seit Jahren phasenweise mal mehr mal weniger) hĂ€ufig mit MĂŒdigkeit/Erschöpfung, Antriebslosigkeit, teils Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten, unreiner Haut und teilweise einschlafenden/kribbelnden Gliedmaßen zu kĂ€mpfen.

Die Symptome sind erdrĂŒckend

Meine Vermutung ist u.a. ein Vitamin-B12-Mangel der sich im weiterem verlauf zu einer megaloblastĂ€re AnĂ€mie entwickeln kann oder bereits schon ist. Es fĂŒhrt dazu das die roten Blutkörperchen auffĂ€llig vergrĂ¶ĂŸern, liegen jedoch in einer verringerter Anzahl vor. Dies fĂŒhrt zu einer Blutarmut und allen daraus folgenden metabolischen Störungen. Die Ursache kann u.a. sein, das Du einen gestörten Intrinsik Faktor hast. Ohne diesen oder in eingeschrĂ€nkter Funktion kann das oral aufgenommene B12 nicht resorbiert werden / aufgenommen werden. Bei Veganer ErnĂ€hrung ist grundsĂ€tzlich ein Chronischer B12 -und FolsĂ€uremangel vorhanden.

Das Problem ist, dass das Stadium schon vorgeschritten ist. D.h. die Degeneration der Neven bzw. der Myelinschichten sich in einem Stadium befindet, wo solche Ausfallerscheinungen auftreten.

Weitere Ursache kann sein, das du durch deine ErnĂ€hrung natĂŒrlich genau das machst, was zu dieser schlimmen Situation fĂŒhrt. Es ist ja nicht nur das B12 und die FolsĂ€ure, sondern auch Eisen, Cholesterin, gesĂ€ttigte FettsĂ€uren. Fehlen diese oder liegen in einer unzureichend Menge vor, lösen diese genau die selbigen Symptome aus. Auch hier, bei Mangel an Cholesterin, fehlen jene Baustoffe um den erhalt der Myelinschichten zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Kommt das B12 on Top, ist der GAU perfekt. Depressionen sind ebenfalls kausal ursĂ€chlich fĂŒr einen erniedrigten Cholesterinspiegel. Den Serotonin kann bei niedrigen Cholesterinspiegel nicht ausreichen gebildet werden. Und dann kommt noch das Vit. D, die Nebennieren, das Gehirn. Also die Kette ist lang.

Da keiner genau weis was Du so isst, ist die Sache schwierig. Aber die Tatsache das Du veganer bist, die Symptome hast, reicht um eine vorlĂ€ufige “Diagnose” zu stellen. MangelernĂ€hrt infolge deiner ErnĂ€hrungsweise.

Fassen wir die möglichen Mangel zusammen

  • B12
  • FolsĂ€ure
  • Eisen
  • gesĂ€ttigte FettsĂ€uren
  • Vit.D
  • Serotonin
  • Niedriger Cholesterinwert

Einfachste, preiswerteste, schnellste und nachhaltigste Lösung

  • Iss wieder Normal, d.h. Fleisch, Eier, Milchprodukte, dazu eine 3 Monatskur Vit B12 intar muskulĂ€r, d.h. per Injektion. Und nach 3 Monaten bist du möglicherweise wieder fit.

oder ein Leben lang, aller 3 Monate B12 per Injektion, Medikamente, Antidepressiva, NervenaufbauprÀparate, EisenprÀparate, Vitamin D usw! ABER, auf lange Sicht wirst du daran zu Grunde gehen. Denn der Verfall hat bereits begonnen!

mache ich dieses vegane Ding nicht aus Spaß oder weil ich mir oder anderen das Leben schwer machen möchte, sondern aus ethischen und ökologischen GrĂŒnden und weil ich fĂŒr mich keine andere Wahl sehe

Deine Entscheidung, dein Leben, deine Zukunft. Entscheidest du dich fĂŒr A. kann alles schnell wieder gut sein oder fĂŒr B…….

2 years ago

If you think that’s right for you, you have to do that. I just tried to write the best on the basis of the data you gave here.

But you always have to ask the question yourself. Is that right? I don’t think so. You say you regularly take B12 orally. As I said, if the intrinsic factor is heard, the B12 cannot be resorbed. Talk to the doctor. That’s what you could do.

2 years ago

Why don’t you go to a normal doctor and have a blood picture. There, a lot can be read out which organ works inadequately. It could cost some euros if you have no symtomes of any disease diagnosed with blood count.

Otherwise you can’t understand.

“I don’t like it….. and because I don’t see any other choice”

If you do it for (or against) ecology, it is right that this situation is burdening you. Who has influenced you to sin against the climate?

The consumption of animal products, especially beef and dairy products are helpful in saving our climate.

Why the vegans disperse the milk, they do not know themselves. Luckily there are donating-begging NGO’s who tell them that it is because of animal suffering.

For the animals must be abolished so that man has more space for himself. Tag: “Animal food takes a lot of space away, with herbal diet you get a lot more people fed”

And cows are (probably) harmful to the climate. Says the NGO. The Science However, it is agreed that cows participate in the natural carbon cycle and climate neutral are. But the NGO’s don’t know. Are the DUMMs? Or do they know that and they’re rags?

Outside of the German Vegan bubble, the world’s population is working to reduce the CO2 content of the atmosphere by storing carbon as a humus in the soil by using plant eaters, especially cows.


We should all eat more products from cattle farming. Milk consumption is also good for the climate.


If we were to do that, the climate would be a little help. Only the donor beggars don’t want this because then the donation revenue would drop.

That’s why you’ve recently turned to “animal suffering”. Young girls are very susceptible to this. With 14 years, they can tell you exactly why Vegan (probably) can save the world.

Even they have never seen a cow, let alone a calf. But give lectures on the suffering of the cow. It’s like talking about pregnancy or birth. I don’t know, but I think…

Perhaps the study of vegetarians with mental illnesses is also transferable to vegans. Then it might be just an untreated eating disorder.

“We want animals to be free of animal welfare live.” Out of your eyes, out of your mind. “If we no longer buy animal products, fewer animals are kept and tortured.” Until there are no more farm animals. Vegans do not understand the contradiction between “animal abolished” and “animal living”.

By the way, our brain has evolved because our urns have developed meat as a protein source. The brain became bigger and the intelligence and learning power increased.

Nutrition can influence how well you learn new knowledge.

And even the cows are important for the insect population and biodiversity. Unfortunately, there are too few of them nowadays.

Basically, you’re hurt because you’ve been lying to donor beggars. I hope your health will be better soon.