Mikrofon Sensitivität einstellen ?
Hallo wie kann ich meine Mikrofon Sensibilität einstellen am PC
Hallo wie kann ich meine Mikrofon Sensibilität einstellen am PC
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Hallo Ich habe mir neulich eine 60% Tastatur gekauft, und habe bemerkt das ich weder ein minus, noch ein unterstrich schreiben kann, obwohl diese auf der tastatur eingezeichnet sind. weiß jemand wie man dies umstellt oder was das problem ist? danke ;D Was ist eine 60% Tastatur, Eigenschaften und wofür ist sie? ITIGIC itigic.com/de/60-keyboard-characteristics-and-what-it-is-for/ Eine…
Hi, I would always set up the micro on Windows (standard). Depending on whether Win10 or Win11, the function is hidden elsewhere – that’s why the first thing is to start the control system (you can also find the Windows search).
Then either click on “Hardware and Sound” and then click on “Sound” (or search and click on “Sound” in the search bar at the top right). Now a new window opens, go to the tab “record” and find out your micro.
I would first recommend that you configure your micro via right-click and “Configure voice recognition” and then “Set up microphone” automatically correctly. After that, you can adjust the sensitivity yourself in the previous menu via right-clicking and “properties” with the “Pegel” tab and set the Hz square by “Advanced” if you are not completely satisfied. Tip: In the “Listen” tab, you can hook up “Use this device as a playback source” and confirm it with “OK” – and listen to yourself by test – then, of course, remove the hook again.
In addition, depending on the micro, you can also change settings in driver/software technology (Realtek e.g.). If you like to customize it for a specific application, it usually goes in the program (Discord, TS, Teams …)
for example in your sound driver, in Realtek HD Audio Manager e.g.