Mikrofon erlauben unter MacOS?

Hi, ich nutze aktuell MacOS unter der Version 12.7.2, jetzt möchte ich für verschiedene Programme wie WhatsApp und so weiter die Mikrofon Erlaubnis setzen. Problem ist, unter dem Reiter Datenschutz – Mikrofon ist die Liste leer, wie im Bild zu sehen.

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6 months ago

Problem is, under the tab privacy – microphone the list is empty as shown in the picture.

To do this, you have to…

  • have already installed,
  • have already started and
  • in the programme have tried to use the relevant function.

Otherwise, there is no attempt to access the relevant resources (e.g. the microphone). Thus, the operating system does not yet know that this software wants to use this resource and cannot enter it into the relevant list.

The entry will not appear until you have been asked in the relevant program (e.g. WhatsApp Desktop) whether the program may use the relevant resource (microphone, camera, …). You can allow this with “OK” or with “Do not allow”.

The question in question seems to me:

→ After that, the relevant entry is also present with me in the control system and is accordingly set to “authorize” or “forbid” (the hook before means that the program has the right to use the device).

He looks like that.

now I want to set permission for various programs like WhatsApp and so on.

It comes by itself, as written above, when you try to use the function in the program. Then you will be asked if you want to allow the software to use the microphone. You just have to say “yes” if you want it

6 months ago
Reply to  Ahegao785

and WhatsApp tells me to open the system settings and activate the microphone

That’s another thing that you asked above. 😉

Check in the Control Panel under “Ton/Input” whether the internal microphone is activated and works.

Then lock the system control, go to WhatsApp Desktop and try the corresponding. Use function. Then there should be the question whether the program can use the microphone.

What exactly do you mean by “at WhatsApp to make an audio“?

If you want to record an audio message in WhatsApp or you might have dictating function of the operating system tried to use? Second has nothing to do with WhatsApp specifically…

This is a function for “inputting text into text fields by microphone” (dictator function) which works in a computer-wide manner and for one does not correspond. Permission required per program. Because at the moment the microphone is used by the operating system (MacOS) for speech recognition and not by the program itself.

6 months ago


Then I’d go to Privacy settings look (as it stands). Evtl. is there something that the microphone generally deactivates.

→ Settings → Messages and Focus.

This can be independent of the fact that the micro goes in principle (and you therefore see a level in the microphone settings).

6 months ago

Again. You only generally allow access to microphones, not a very specific copy.

Sorry, I’m overwhelmed now.

6 months ago

One more thing:

However, the text in the WhatsApp message does not sound like you are supposed to access WhatsApp, but that the microphone is not active.

It says:

To record voice messages, WhatsApp needs access to your device’s microphone. Click Settings and Activate the microphone.

That sounds like if you had already given the consent (?) but the microphone for some reason inactive is.

Also I do not see the integrated micro of the computer in your other image. Is there anything wrong?

6 months ago

I meant a WhatsApp voice message, I added the post with the missing information.

It’s funny.

With me, as described in my answer, the box that directly allows to unlock the micro for WhatsApp. (Because you can’t add a picture to the comments I added it in my answer, see there).

My hardware (MacBook Pro) is a few years old but runs on MacOS 12.7.6.

6 months ago

If you make the first call in WhatsApp, you will be asked by the system to allow access to the microphone. If you Allow Select, WhatsApp will also appear in the list in the system settings.

Just tested and this works:

If it doesn’t work with you, click on the lock and see if you can add WhatsApp manually. I’m using Sonoma here, and I don’t know if it was solved differently under Monterey.

6 months ago
Reply to  Ahegao785

I guess you’ll get on Not allowed clicked. Unfortunately, Apple is a little weird here and doesn’t make a new request so easy.

Open the terminal and enter the following command:

tccutil reset Microphone

See if there’s another request in WhatsApp when you use the microphone.

6 months ago

What do you mean? Did you install macOS over a regular way or through the OpenCore Legacy Patcher… or how else? And what kind of model is it?

If you have installed it via the OpenCore Legacy Patcher, then it can be natural that certain security features do not work as expected. The problem also has others:


PS: You should write something like this!

6 months ago

Then there’s something going completely wrong with you. Did you install the current WhatsApp version? From the App Store or via the website? Monterey is also up to date?

6 months ago

So if you are WhatsApp Open and then make an audio callThen you’re not asked for permission again?

WhatsApp should of course be closed when you reset the settings. A restart of the Mac after that you should try again.