
Die mechanische Leistung beträgt 100 W. Der Wirkungsgrad beträgt 25%. Wie viel Minuten muss man erbringen, um 600 kJ zu erreichen?

1) 25 Min

2) 50 Min

3) 100 min

4) 200 min

5) 300 min

100J/s / 0,25 = 400 J/s

600000J/400J/s = 1500s = 25 min ?

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1 year ago

Your solution answers the question “How long does it take to generate 600 kJ mechanical energy for a power of 100 W applied to have?

But I don’t read that out of the question text.

You can also read your question: How long does it take for a mechanical power of 100 W and an efficiency of 25% a (use) work of 600 kJ paid to have (show energy of 600 kJ)? Only from the fact that there is no possible answer for this question can one conclude that the first question could be meant.

In this respect, I doubt that the text of the task is correctly reproduced in the question.

1 year ago

That’s right…