Mietwagen Fahrer nicht eingetragen bei Müdigkeit oder Körperliche Ausnahme?

Hallo Leute, ich fahre morgen mit meinem Papa eine weite Strecke circa 8 Stunden. Ich bin nicht im Mietwagen eingetragen da der Wagen erst ab 25 ist. Ich habe aber seit zwei Jahren mein Führerschein. Meine Frage ist wenn jetzt mal ein Notfall wäre also zum Beispiel mein Vater ist komplett müde und fühlt sich nicht in der Lage weiter zu fahren. Dürfte ich in diesem Fall fahren oder ja zum Beispiel starke Magenschmerzen hat dies ist nur ein Beispiel dürfte ich dann fahren da der Fahrer ja sonst den Verkehr gefährden würde gibt es da eine Klausel?

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2 years ago

Not according to the lease.

If, of course, it weren’t illegal, but it would violate the lease and that means that your father is fully liable in case of damage.

2 years ago

… without claim to accuracy: I could best imagine a kind of contractual penalty by the lender… but he would have to get knowledge of the driver’s exchange, which could probably only happen through an accident or possibly a flash photo. It is not a criminal offence or offence, but a violation in a closed contract between the car rental agent and your father.

2 years ago


Only registered drivers are allowed to move the car, otherwise the insurance cover will expire and you do not want to 😉

2 years ago

In case of a real emergency – for example a heart attack – you should also drive to the necessary extent, for example to the next hospital, fatigue etc. is not an emergency in this sense, as well as the stomach pain, because for the change of the driver you have to stop … and should it be so bad that this must take place on the stand strip, then again only until the next parking lot/to the next exit.

2 years ago
Reply to  HugoHustensaft

Says who?

May be relative. There is no law against it, but then no damage to the vehicle is insured if anything happens.

2 years ago
Reply to  OhMiaMiaJa

The rental contract – and non-contractual behaviour can become quite expensive.

2 years ago

There is a difference whether this is done or whether it is permissible – whether it is done, I am not deep enough in the bull.

2 years ago

Because that doesn’t make a car hire.

2 years ago

Why, if this has been agreed, can no contractual penalty be due? There is no law that prohibits this, it is not even an inappropriate disadvantage of the customer.

2 years ago

No, she can’t.

– and the damage to the vehicle is generous, because this is not only the direct damage, but also the indirect damage, i.e. the fact that the vehicle cannot be rented during the repair.

Yeah, sure. I never said otherwise. But if you scrape a vehicle worth 50,000 euros in case of an accident, two weeks of Peanut’s rental loss are opposed.

2 years ago

However, there can be a contractual penalty – and the damage to the vehicle can be made generous, because this is not only the direct damage, but also the indirect damage, i.e. the fact that the vehicle cannot be rented during the repair.

2 years ago

He’s not a law. Of course, this can be expensive, I said yes – it will be completely in case of damage to the vehicle. That’s all.