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6 months ago

Please do not delete! (But there are them for free at MS for download.)

The redistributables are just a hand full of DLLs. For example, the Redist 2012 is used to run programs that were created with VisualStudio 2012 on your computer, whether it might be newer.

6 months ago
Reply to  tunik123

And if they aren’t needed, they’ll just be on the hard drive. They don’t load the computer anymore.

They also don’t occupy much hard disk space.

6 months ago

please do not delete any of it, did it and all deleted then many programs no longer had to re-inform windows

6 months ago
Reply to  ziegelstein0

You could have just downloaded it and reinstalled it instead of doing everything…

6 months ago

You should let them down. This also ensures downward compatibility. There are, for example, programs that require an older version and do not work with newer versions.

6 months ago

These are runtime libraries (Runtimes) for programs developed with VC++. Depending on which VC++ version was used, the resulting program requires another runtime. If all are installed, you probably have at least one program depending on it. Delete is not such a good idea.

Before someone comes with down compatibility: Yes, but. Firstly, we talk about Microsoft and secondly, it is easier to install/install the Runtime than to deal with dependencies and (in)compatibilities. You can do that if you have a lot of time and fun in matter.

If I Articles of Microsoft correctly understand, then since VC 2015, the cram is downward compatible until VC 2015, i.e., VC 2015 programs also run with the current 2022 runtime. All of this must continue to need the specific version.

6 months ago

And redistributables don’t need much disk space. If they are not needed, they do not eat any computing power.

6 months ago

Let it go, apparently different software has installed various versions. Now try which C++ is running is cumbersome and can make more problems than simply let it go.

6 months ago

You don’t need one of them. Depends on the installed software, which version they need.

6 months ago
Reply to  Raphaelx1999

Experiencefully, they install themselves with the software when it needs this. I’ve never installed them separately, except a software has assumed that, and didn’t automatically lie in the installer. And then I only have those I just need. The rest load the system but is not needed.