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7 months ago

Hello – if you had created the “Microsoft Authenticator” for your “Microsoft account/s, you wouldn’t get around with your digital mail anymore! The “Microsoft Authenticator” is just like the “Google Authenticator”.

The “Microsoft Authenticator” can only be set up on Android devices & Apple. On this network page: Microsoft Authenticator Information – Microsoft Support, you can read everything about it Download Microsoft Authenticator – Microsoft Support, just select “Android” or “iOS” from & keys the QR code. Insert/integrate all created “Microsoft accounts” into the “Microsoft Authenticator”. With this, you can’t take your “Microsoft accounts” anymore!

In addition, you do not use the word from the foreign language (account), but the word account! Also in the picture, it is displayed as “Microsoft account”! You should be able to distinguish between the German language & that of the foreign language! Whatever.

Until the days.

7 months ago
Reply to  DarthVader371

You have misunderstood if you have not understood the content of me to you. Without the “Microsoft Authenticator” for your account, these things are not properly protected by Microsoft:

  • The BS (operating system) Windows (multinumber/plural – the windows)
  • Skype – Video Conferences/Data Transfer. From Skype to Skype for free. Rechargeable. Before that there was only the Windows Messenger.
  • Teams – rather designed for conferences. The surface control is very bad for us users/users!
  • OneDrive – dls (service calculator is called “service computer” in the foreign language!) – is our active storage network, where we can store data ourselves that has also been firmly integrated into the file administrator, which is called “Windows Explorer” (stands for researchers)! Here are very cheap subscriptions that you can pay via PayPal!
  • OneNote synchronization etc.
  • Office (Programme Office) or has been changed 365

Whether you already use/use the “Microsoft Authenticator” etc., no one can know here! I can only recommend it! If you have created multiple accounts with Microsoft, it is recommended to include them in the “Microsoft Authenticator”.

I have already actively witnessed how my password became useless, as the login to my Microsoft account is protected by the Authenticator. In case of a new application or foreign system, the “Microsoft Authenticator” generates 3 pairs of numbers. On the display screen, the required pair of numbers is displayed. Here you need to select the correct pair of numbers to be able to log into your own account correctly! Since you have not set up the “Microsoft Authenticator”, you will have to fight with such messages again and again.

I can only provide you with the security for your Microsoft account & knowledge. Everything else is up to you as you want to deal with the security of your Microsoft account!

Until the days.

7 months ago

Try “mark everything”.

could be that in the blue box still stands iwas in – at the moment – blue writing.

iwas between the ” “

8 months ago

Probably simply tap the blue “check” button.

7 months ago

You clicked the button? Check your emails, you genius. And look at the spam folder.