Microfaser oder Kunstleder?
Hey welcher stoff ist besser geeignet für ein Boxspringbett?
Hey welcher stoff ist besser geeignet für ein Boxspringbett?
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My personal opinion is microfiber. The fibers are much more resistant and after a certain time the artificial leather no longer looks beautiful. Got a microfiber boxspring bed and it’s fantastic. Of course, you have to count on spots that may not be so easy to remove, then artificial leather would be the better option. But especially in pets like cats I find, microfiber is the better choice because they often “sharp” their claws on the fabric. In the case of artificial leather, there are often clear scratch marks and microfiber initially not so strong.
I don’t have pets and I’m not going to get them so fast
OK, then it’s still up to you to make sure that the bed is still new after a few years or whether you’re out with leather
I took microfiber:D
I also plead for microfiber because artificial leather is often air-tight and moisture-tight. You sweat more on artificial leather.