Microcar krankenfahrstuhl mit mofa prüfbescheinigung fahren??
Hallo liebe leute
im internet steht das man nur dreirädrige und zweirädrige fahrzeuge fahren darf bei youtube gibt es dann wiederrum andere aussagen was denn jetzt darf ich einen microcar krankenfahrstuhl bis 25 kmh mit der mofa prüfbescheinigung nun fahren oder nicht ?
Everything is not so difficult: Simply read in the driving licence regulation (FEV) for which vehicle you need the driver’s license.
There are always people who think I’m particularly smart and can handle the law. However, an ambulance is clearly defined in the law (including not more than 300kg and one-seat). So this does not fit a microcar and not a Fiat Panda with a 25-KM/h sticker.
If you look under sick driving chair come ligier cars out with 2 sitting they are supposed to be driving without license..
Please also note the transitional arrangements in §76 FeV. Old “Test certificates for ambulances” remain valid:
The version of §76 FeV, which is valid until 2002, again allows holders of old test certificates to run old right (two-seat, 25 km/h, up to 300 kg).
With a current test certificate for “Mofas and two- and three-wheel motor vehicles up to 25 km/h”, you cannot drive a four-wheel motor vehicle up to 25 km/h.
If you have a “test certificate for ambulances” before 2002, you can drive 25km/h” cars up to 25km/h and 300kg.