Micklem multibridle gebisslos?
Hallo, ich habe zum Geburtstag ein micklem multibridle für meine junge stute bekommen.
Sie wird gebisslos eingeritten, nun meine frage: wie eng/locker muss das ganze denn sitzen?
Wenn es als kappzaum verwendet wird isses ja klar, aber beim reiten?
Leider findet man im Internet oder auf der Anleitung nicht sonderlich viel, erst recht nicht wenns ums gebisslose reiten geht..
For riding it is too deep.
A reasonable, soft padded sidepull would be more appropriate.
Otherwise, the following applies: 2 fingers on the right Nose back.
you can’t use the micklem, because it doesn’t have a reithalfter, but only a nase band with back straps.
It is best to sit so loose that the horse is not at all in it. A pickle has the most advantages hanging in the locker. The reasons have already been mentioned.
Untiringly a young horse, and you don’t seem to have any experiences and the necessary knowledge to have a responsible handle?
Was that my question?
No, but I find it more than worrying if these questions show how much ignorance exists and this burden of animals. just when it comes to such important things as responsible discernment
when you look at the question title, there is no question, but a list of understandable, which is quite freely interpretable.
You better put this in at EBay and sell the horse to someone who has the idea of horses before you completely ruin it.
without bite is counterproductive.
and with the micklem there is nothing else left to the horse to tie the snow.
say – chew and become soft is not possible at all and so the horse does not learn it either.
If you want to use something like this as a capping (hope ring on the nose back of the nase belt), then the baking belt must be set shorter and the strap must be banged flush. the horse can otherwise escape by pushing forward and back the boner of the action.
the same as riding. therefore a micklem will never be strapped after the 2 finger upright, but flush.
the herr micklem has developed the zaum to not have to use helpful. a micklem is always a helper set.
So, to ride, what that means.
I personally would do without riding rather than using a micklem. with the part you can make a horse retired.
Would you like to explain it more precisely? Why do you need a bite when riding? A bite is fine tuning.
you don’t have to buckle the reins on the bite or shouldn’t do it.
but you should use the bite. it helps the horse to dissolve in the pine. is anatomical. loosens, helps in concentration, builds stress off.
you do not have to chew chewing gum to learn – but it helps.
büdde. no problem 😉
That’s what I mean. Thanks for the explanation.