Mich motivieren jeden Tag ein Augenpflaster zu tragen?
Ich muss seit mehreren Jahren eigentlich jeden Tag ein Augenpflaster tragen weil ich eine Sehschwäche auf meinem linken Auge habe und sozusagen schon mein ganzes Leben lang alles aus meinem rechten Auge sehe.
Das Problem ist aber das ich oft nicht die Zeit dafür finde es zu tragen (ich muss es 2h tragen) und mich dann auch nicht motivieren kann weil es so unangenehm ist.
Kann mir vielleicht jemand sagen wie lange man so ein Augenpflaster tragen muss (nicht pro Tag sondern insgesamt) bis ich damit fertig bin? Ich bin jetzt 11 Jahre alt und meine Sehschwäche wurde erst sehr spät entdeckt (mit 5) weil die Ärzte nicht darauf geachtet haben.
Vielleicht könnte ich mich ja motivieren wenn ich weiß dass man es nicht so lange tragen muss…
LG, danke schonmal im Voraus!
Were you alone with the doctor? What did your parents get from the conversation? Ask her. They need to know.
And otherwise I would ask Jesus to make your eye healthy again. Then maybe you could give the procedure.
Good luck!
No, I wasn’t alone with the doctor, but my parents don’t know. And I’m not believing, and that’s why I don’t think I’m praying…
Faith means trust even though you don’t see. You could ask him if he shows you. For an encounter with the living God it only needs an open heart – or a dead heart. One day everyone will see him. God loves you and he wants you to be happy in him. I’d try it. I can’t promise, but it would be brilliant if he did, just because you asked him?
An acquaintance of me wanted to contact his mother, who goes from her. He wasn’t a little believer. But I was allowed to pray for him and shortly afterwards the mother sought contact. That was completely unlikely before.
Only those who pray can experience that prayers are heard. God is of course not an automaton, but he wants to meet us and has not spared his own life.
Whatever you think about it now – I wish you a nice evening and that you don’t have to wear the flap too long!
I don’t care what you do, but it’s very nice of you, so you can do it:)
Okay, I understand. Do you want me to pray for your eye? You don’t have to believe that. It’s just an offer that in the most favourable case everything can change – and it’s for free and only costs you a little “yes”.
Have a good day!
However, as I mentioned, I do not believe in God. In my opinion, there is nothing supernatural in the world. So neither a God who can “heal” my eye.