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7 years ago

You haven’t found anything helpful on the Internet? And you think the legal answer to weapons in Italy is here?

A fighting knife as a fishing knife? Oh, yeah. So you fight with the fish for life and death. And why not a fishing knife?

Let me tell you that you take this to take the fish out, but road fighting with a fish is rather rare.

You can’t take it in the cabin, maybe in the checked baggage. It is hardly believed, but the Italians react very much to weapons (also knives of all kinds) against all layers of mafiage.

I would, of course, ask the people who would have to know – as with all the matters – the message or a consulate or me in a fishing magazine and not here at GF.

“There is a simple rule of thumb when traveling to Italy: all the objects that are weapons, possess a weapon-like character or can be used as a weapon, no one can lead.”

(Source: with a reference to the Ministero della Giustizia (Ministry of Justice), Italian Embassy in Berlin).

And with regard to Messer, it is said that the legal situation is not comparable to that in Germany at all, but rather is a delicate confusion of laws, regulations and decrees, which can also be interpreted completely differently by a judge.

And here: Waffengesetz-in-Italian-wissenwerts-ueber-einimport-fuehren-erben-von- Waffenaehne-gegenstaenden-unter-Italian-recht

And you want to rely on the answers given here?

My goodness, why are so many questioners so helpless when it comes to targeted information research?

7 years ago
Reply to  ramay1418

Too much of the trouble, the bush is 12 years, for which a martial knife remains a damp dream the next 6 years.

7 years ago

The question cannot be answered at all. – This is aside from the fact that a fighting knife is suitable for taking fish like a double axe.

It always depends on where you want to travel. Very restrictive weapons laws exist, for example, in Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, France and the Netherlands. As soon as the holidaymaker introduces a fixed knife to the country – whatever way – he can get serious problems with the justice there.

Other countries are in turn very liberal, such as the Czech Republic or Finland.

Two tips for you:

1. Explore the legal provisions of the country of travel. The flight journey is your smallest problem, but rather the use of the knife in the country – the so-called “guide”.

2.: Better take a fishing knife to fish, which brings the least arrogance to the authorities. This is provided that you have successfully implemented “Tipp 1” and then also know that bringing an angler in the host country is not a legal problem.

In doubt, don’t make any nonsense, because that can be expensive. In many countries, fines of around 5,000 euros are quite common in all cases. And if you are still minor, your parents may put the valleys on the table of the house – and will surely “thank you” with you….

7 years ago

In any case, not in hand luggage. You need to get in touch. It’s also when you fly in the country.

7 years ago
Reply to  tuftler

Italy does not allow that to run around with knives.

Shade about money for the removed knife and trouble at the Policia

7 years ago
Reply to  Silka02

each airline prohibits the taking of weapons in hand luggage

7 years ago

No chance. Weapons don’t get into the cabin. Who should stop you from opening the sealed container and starting with the massacre?

7 years ago

You don’t.

Combat knives from 18.

7 years ago

In the checked baggage without any problems, in the cabin in the hand luggage by no means.

The question would also be where you flee and whether the knife is allowed there or you take it off and you get trouble.

But since you’re 12, you can’t even own the knife, and if you get caught with it, your parents will get one more because they’ll let it happen! The youth office can be there quickly.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lestigter

That’s a total bullshit. Lol

7 years ago
Reply to  2AlexH2

I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know.

If you don’t have a basic knowledge, don’t write anything!

Childish comments come here enough, no one waits for your..

That you don’t even know that guardians can be held responsible is sad enough…

7 years ago

Your answer is wrong!

What to do “That’s a total bullshit. LolDo you understand?

“totaler ” means that sber is not right either.

For me, it means that the one who doesn’t even know that one can take knives almost nowhere by hand luggage (even if they have been allowed for years to 6 cm again, the airport operator or individual airlines can decide something else)

For me, it means that the one cannot think so far that there are other countries that (like Italy) banish the running around with such knives.

For me, it means that the one does not even know that certain knives, which have the only purpose of their kind and description and only the purpose of being used for the struggle, are only obsessed from 18 and must not be led anyway.

And so on…

And that’s all natural if he has no idea ALL “total bullshit”

And whether I answer this childish ignorance or not, I still decide – you don’t even know that the only and only GF decides.

And now you can tamper with the foot or stop the air – that’s it. You don’t know, but you want to talk and that doesn’t work!

And so that you can understand, I’d like to write the lowermost drawer in the height of my eyes, okay?

7 years ago

I don’t like people to put the insulting comments under mine, I’m extremely focused on the mind. If there is something factual, you can write it in courtesy form.

Considering that, you’ve probably not understood my comment correctly or wrong. If you want to be offensive and wise, read it right. But insulting and lying wrong is the bottom drawer.

Therefore, to you, as I pause that you are able to behave normally and leave something of stack without being wise and insulting: No more comments from you on mine.

7 years ago

I think it’s okay.

7 years ago
Reply to  2AlexH2

Unfortunately completely wrong..