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Yes, estimating distances is one of the basic requirements to get the driver’s license.
You realize that, but if you’re short distracted – and that happens easier as a beginner – then you can get too close and don’t notice it immediately
When do you realize if you have a right distance as a starter to the cars, for example, when it is called “space-saving” parking, do you know how close they can reach?
The distances in road traffic are learned in the driving school. The rest is more like feeling, you know after a few hours how much distance you have to keep to other cars so that the driver can get off as well as park out again.
Well, without paying attention or resorting to experience, you don’t realize it.
As a starter, you have to look more often when the front man runs past a lead post and slowly count “one and two and two” before you pass the same lead post. If that fits, you have the 2 seconds distance.
With time you get a look for it.
But I mean by distances, how space-saving do they know how close they can drive? Is it the basis, and do I get a feeling for it?
The basis for what?
Well, you don’t seem to get a feeling that it’s completely idiotic to always ask the same question. So I don’t see any reason to hope you’ll get a feeling for parking.
But maybe it’s just that you have to mature for 10-15 years until the subject of driving licence is questioned for you. I don’t know you.
Question answered?
Oh, the distance Troll again.
The guy is completely obsessed with the subject. How many questions do you want to ask?