Mercedes S-Klasse W220 Diesel oder Benzin?

Frage aus dem Titel. Fahr täglich eine weitere Strecke daher wäre Diesel sehr verlockend. Allerdings sind bei einem Diesel ja die Steuern höher und ich habe gehört, dass ältere CDIs Probleme machen. Dafür sind 200 tkm auf einem Diesel nicht so viel, auf einem durchschnitts Benziner allerdings fast die ganze Lebensspanne.

Was würdet Ihr empfehlen?

PS: Suche Auto im Wert von ca. 4-7 t€. Ja da bekommt man nicht mehr das beste.

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4 months ago

Don’t take S-Class. Yes, these are nice cars, but you won’t be happy in your budget! For the money you get a pretty good E-class W211 or W212. I consider very painful if I abbreviate my 320 CDI, but more than 4000,- I will hardly be redeemed (although he stands there, as pellets from the egg)

Why? I am a pensioner and the daily 100 km have fallen away.

Whether diesel or gasoline you have to calculate – it was always said that the “break-even-point” is between 25,000 and 30,000 annual kilometers. Whether it’s true for an E-Class, which as a gasoline already has a little more to go away, be put there!

4 months ago

You don’t want to buy an S-Class for a maximum of 7,000€. . . . You won’t get anything, and if the boxes have relatively high mileage levels and other puppies.

As far as the choice of diesel or gasoline is concerned, you have to calculate it exactly.

4 months ago

Does the W220 already have lover status? The former predecessor Dickschiff W140 can even drive with H sign. However, for a period of time, even after the release of both models, in Germany more W126 than W140 S classes were admitted. Many W140 and probably 220 will now be in the East Block or in the Middle East.

4 months ago

So, you won’t get a W220 in the price class you want to drive for longer than a few days. Consider how much % this is still from the purchase price that this S-Class has cost and believe me, as you will find only nuclear scrap or vehicles that can only be repaired in Africa, because the repair here in Germany costs several thousand if not ten thousand euros.

The question whether diesel or gasoline is absolutely not the case with such a vehicle.

4 months ago

20 years old and the engines accordingly low power to the engine capacity. Look for a W212 3 liter Diesel T model.

4 months ago
