Mercedes ML320 CDI (W164) Verbrauch reduzieren?
Hallo Leute,
ich habe mir ein (W164) ML320 CDI 224ps Bj. 2006 Diesel Automatik Kilometerstand: 180.000 Km gekauft.
Ich möchte wegen dem Verbrauch was einstellen oder machen damit er nicht so viel Verbraucht. Wie kann ich den Verbrauch reduzieren.
Ich habe fast überall gelesen und auch gesehen das der Verbrauch weniger als meine sind.
Bei mir liegt der Verbrauch:
Autobahn: 10,5 Liter
Stadt: 13,5 Liter
Gibt es dafür irgentwelche Flüssigkeit oder Spraydosen zum Verbrauch reduzieren oder muss ich irgend etwas reinigen damit ich den Verbrauch reduzieren kann.
Ich habe auch die Taste (Sport und Comfort) muss ich da auf Comfort umschalten? Wenn ich da drauf drücke leuchtet das rote licht auf Sport oder auf Comfort oder garnicht? Soll ich lieber jedes mal wenn ich fahren tue den Comfort einschalten oder lieber aus lassen?
Kann mir da jemand helfen oder Tipps geben?
11,3 liters are normal according to manufacturer. You’ve been using less. You can save by your own discipline. Eco mode and not faster than 90. This is not possible due to an intervention in engine management.
Adjustable tyre pressure
Choose your comfort
Regular maintenance
Unusual weight out
There are no sprays or other magic
Consumption is completely normal for the vehicle
An average consumption of 10L to 100Km is quite normal for the vehicle and the engine.
If the tire pressure is correct, you can’t adjust much on the car(motor).
What you can set is your attitude:
Gentle gas, predictive, less fast on the highway.
Is normal, you buy such a machine, now you want to wonder about consumption.
You drive Mercedes, refuel and good.
Moderate your gas foot, forward-looking. There’s no more to do
Drive a fat ML and then wonder about a high consumption…
What did you expect?
That the thick ship only consumes 5 litres or what???
Depending on the driving profile, normal consumption. You have to live or sell car.
hahahaha as funny as stupid you are not without considering buying such a fat car. That’s just a question I wrote about money so keep my friend back. That’s a normal question. 😉
Apparently, some are so stupid, buy or finanish a non-shaped, cheerful tank in the form of a high-rise and then want to save fuel 🤣
🤔13.5 liter in the city is ok . And much fun with the injection system, injectors, control units, pre-annealing system and all the other problems for which OM642 is known !
Then diesel consumption is your smallest concern!
Believe me 😉
Absolutely right. Does it really surprise me that the box is not completely rusted yet