Mercedes-Benz E 240 – Jahrgang 2003?
folgende zwei Fehler habe ich auf dem Auslesegerät… Das Radio funktioniert stellt sich manchmal an und manchmal eben nicht… kann mir jemand einen TIP geben wie ich vorgehen könnte um den Fehler zu finden?
D117 N87/1 (Radio/Radio mit Navigation) – Soll-Ist-Konfiguration des MOST-Rings unterschiedlich.
D103 N87/1 (Radio/Radio mit Navigation) – MOST-Komponente an Position 3 meldet Ringunterbrechung.
the error code leads to the diagnosis of MOST bus that goes with Stardiagnosis/Xentry or an MOST Analyzer. If the software can pull out error codes because of comfort systems, then this is also diagnostic. The problem is usually only mechatronicsmen working on cars, because only a small part of diagnostic capability or ready to use brain 1.0 software
Most Daimler brands workshops are “incapable” or simply renew all components in the MOST until it does again. But there are still Daimler workshops with diagnostic mechanics that are often small car houses in the hinterland (Hidden Champions) or traditional companies such as the Lorinser
However, MOST 50 can be diagnosed via OSZI or there are software zb for Techtronix OSZI. software Bosch Esitronic and KTS can also offer MOST Bus
The MOST Bus Compenete 3 is mW the final stage there I would start without diagnostic access. (MOST 50 has 4 bit “positions” that can arrange any manufacturer as he wants)
So analogue page;
Current input
Short circuit of a Laustprecher
Cold soldering points
the “normal” suspects
There were also glass fiber breaks, but “ring breakage” is usually short power supply or undervoltage.
Otherwise, look for a BOSCH service or a company that builds/preserves BOS cars (police, fire department, Sanka, emergency doctor, truck) which usually have MOST Bus know-how and tools because most of the BOS and lots of TAXI runs on MOST
Thank you for your detailed answer. That’s exactly why I want to do this myself =) I have organized light cable loops when I take the module 3 (no idea which module 3 is) out of the circle with the bridge, which delete two faults, should this work again?
if the MOST circuit has an interruption, is it normal that the radio has no power? and sometimes it is not (killing point?).
So the point is in because MOST devices are stuck diagnostics and error protocols that “count” an MOST specialist in a few seconds what, when, exactly in what order why why the system is going on. The light guides can be measured and not only can they say which light guide cables are interrupted, but also at which point in millimeters from the bush. The MOST system has been developed by Becker Aviation for aircraft. In the MOST system, self-diagnosis detects/misses the wear in the system and calculates downtime when you do not save it for cost reasons.
At Daimler there are diagnostic systems for cars/cars such as Star diagnosis or Xentry with which the error was read out during the inspection simply goes into the diagnosis of the audio/MOST system and first of all device No 3 idenifizert (signment, component number, software stand, production date,) after which you can measure the voltage curves of the device in real time or (k)alte soles look at the hottest one can see
the crunch point is;
You can now
Thanks again to you, even if you didn’t take me further, everything you write here sounds sensual and I probably would have done that way if I wanted to take this path. Only I knew from Switzerland not even that there was MOST (usually crassed system) and the workshop wanted for diagnosis 350 fr. It was the TeleModul, now everything works again, it only had to hang the loop. I just wanted to make someone a favor…