Mercedes Benz c250 cgi w204 kaufen?
ich habe mir ein c250 cgi angeguckt mit 170 tausend km mit guter Ausstattung wie Panorama Dach xenon Scheinwerfer usw. für 12.400€ was denkt ihr lohnt es sich das Auto zu kaufen mit der Laufleistung?
auf was soll ich achten oder was für Probleme könnten auftreten?
schonmal Danke im Voraus
Why is the year of construction not in question??? This is crucial
All Mercedes of these years of construction potentially have a massive problem with rusting rear axles or Back-axle recordings:
In addition, the control chain at the OM651 repeatedly makes problems. The change is a very expensive fun. It should also be remembered that this diesel engine has brought out the maximum feasibility of specific performance, not necessarily the best condition for a long engine life.
A major role here is how often and how long the previous owners have exploited this maximum performance, which of course is difficult to check.
Incidentally, this motor is not particularly economical, for example because it is generally coupled with a converter automatic transmission and the 4Matic all-wheel drive.
The Chain four-cylinder diesel engines (OM651) in C 180 CDI, C 200 CDI (from November 2009), C 220 CDI (from June 2009) and C 250 CDI can be prematurely lengthened and cause engine damage. In addition, the C 220 and C 250 CDI were more often Piezo injectors broken, which is why from spring 2011 in the C 220 CDI only magnet injectors of the Delphi brand were installed.
The latter was not a problem with the smaller diesel C 180 and C 200 CDI, because they got the better injectors from work. The more susceptible piezo injectors were used in the C 250 CDI until the end of the 204 series.
Diesel scandal: It has been found that the OM651 and OM642 engines have installed an illegal shut-off device to manipulate the exhaust gas values. Before buying, you should therefore ask the dealer whether a software update for the desired car has already been carried out. If you do not allow the necessary software updates to be performed, you risk the vehicle shutdown.