Mercedes AMG Viele Motorisierungen warum?
mein Lieblings AMG ist der GLE Coupe
Ich wollte euch ” Autokenner ” mal fragen.
Wieso gibt es so viele Motorisierungen.
Es gibt einmal den GLE 53. Okay das ist halt die niedrigere Version.
Aber dann gibt es einen GLE 63 und dann noch einen GLE 63s
Warum? die beiden haben 11.000 € Unterschied. Wieso sollte man wenn man schon so viel Geld für ein Auto ausgibt, den GLE 63 nehmen statt die Topvariante GLE 63s?
Ich meine, bei dem Auto, hat man eh genug Geld sich sowas zu leisten
A simple word upselling. You write it well. You want to sell more to people and this is a popular means. People are dissolving the thoughts “If I’ve already spent so much” and they already spend more money.
Otherwise, AMG at Mercedes is just a line to pull people out of their pockets. Since today most of them are not buying a car because of the technology, but because of the logo on it, they simply slaughter the label and get everything possible as AMG, simply because people spend a lot of money above average when there is an AMG logo on it.
Sounds logical.
Thank you.
Yes AMG stood for very good tuning, but today… 08/15 only and exactly so the parts are also treated at Mercedes in the workshops
Because Mercedes says that they need so many variants as the consumer also asks
Question: Why even AMG? The normal machines would also be enough to flee in the city and drive 160 on the highway and in addition they can wait for each contract trader, whereas the AMGs often say goodbye as they are not maintained
Well. The AMG looks even more horny, and the sound and performance naturally differ from the normal Mercedes. Despite that, I find a normal GLE also very beautiful
Yeah, who has too much money…
There is more interesting at the price
Because a couple of people have a lower budget or the others want a better engine
But 11,000€ Differences are almost nothing in such an expensive car that can afford it
Yeah, so?