Menstruationszyklus eines Magersüchtigen?

Hallo, kann mir jemand den Unterschied erklären von einem normalen Menstruationzyklus und der eines Magersüchtigem? Warum genau bleibt die Periode aus? Warum können bestimmte Hormone nicht mehr gebildet werden?

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2 years ago

The body goes into a survival or hunger mode. Institutions and functions are gradually restricted or even at some point no longer supported. First the muscles go, fat reserves go later. The aim is to keep the brain functioning as long as possible. The menstruation is coupled to the weight. Delicious girls do not menstrue at all or later than moppeliege girls. During a famine, planting is less important than in good times. Suvival of the fittest.

2 years ago

At some point, the body simply does not have enough strength to maintain all functions like a healthy body.

And everything that is not necessary for survival is saved.

This not only affects the period but also the formation of new hair roots or skin cells. Therefore there is also hair loss and thin, cracked skin.

2 years ago

Normal: after a few months to years from the first period, the cycle is regular, everything works as it should, you have an ovulation and also the period regularly.

With strong underweight in magnificence: if the body has too little energy, because you are little eaten and underweight, energy is saved for the vital things, because the cycle does not count to the production of hormones, ovulation, period etc, all this would cost the body too much energy, so all this remains.

2 years ago
Reply to  anonym0507

It is not the energy that the cycle costs, the reason, but that the body would no longer be able to carry out a child. So the mode is set for a pregnancy option.

2 years ago

It lacks the fat to form the hormones. Easy.