Wie merke ich ob meine periode stark oder normal ist. Ich kann das nicht einschätzen und weiß ehrlich gesagt auch nicht ob meine periode normal ist. Ich hab die ersten 1 bis 2 tage oft blutung. Am tag 3 manchmal 4 ist kaum mehr was..ich wechsele die binden ca alle 2 bis 3 stunden. Ich laufe auch kaum aus wobei ich oft auf toilette gehe wenn ich merke da kommt was. Meint ihr es ist normal?
Too strong bleeding is necessary to change the bandage or tampon of normal strength every hour (at least one day). Even if the period lasts longer than 7 days and the bandage or tampon of normal strength must change every 3-4 hours.
This is a table of how much ml of blood fits into a tampon when this number of drops can be seen on it.
During a period we lose between 40ml and 80ml blood. On average, there are 60-65ml blood. From 80ml it is too much blood and under 40ml it is too little blood.
In an Always Binding of Normal Strength fit 5ml blood so approx. 1 EL
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
If this is always binding then if more than 5ml blood is in it that you run out. Because I never run out
No but usually you change after 5ml at the latest so much more is usually unpleasant and the risk is very high
Sounds normal!
So if this is more like the left picture all 3 h, the strong
Do you think that’s so much blood coming all the time?
So what’s in the pictures is every few hours and gets less over the days. About 25 ml to 80 ml of blood are then total per period
These pictures are not correct and really very inaccurate, so you cannot determine this
Well, it’s a difference whether you’re bleeding little or much
Some of them. In some cases
If there’s a control bleeding just a few drops of blood or how
That was the question – yes I think it is a strong bleeding.
Because you wrote that you think we have a strong bleeding
Didn’t I ever say what you want to say?
I have no low iron value
I’m just like you and I’ve often asked myself. I notice it too and then bleed into the toilet. mine goes a bit longer than yours and I guess (because I tend to be low iron values) that we have a strong bleeding. Have never run into a measuring cup 😀
I just wanted to point out that this picture, in the community of people who are concerned with it, is very controversial because it conveys much uncertainty and false information
Yeah, that’s right. I’ve seen the pictures so that you can see if there’s only a few drops of blood coming out or a lot of blood down there
Yes, however, these pictures convey a completely wrong picture. Someone who then sees the whole left bandage thinks they bleed too much although this is quite normal on the stronger day to have a full bandage. I just want to point out that these pictures are very controversial
I don’t understand. Honestly, my tie often looks like left. As I said, I notice it often before and go to toilet before it lands on my binding. But I have at most 2 to 3 days bleeding after that it stops.. And I don’t have every stundw my binding.