Menstruation lange?

Ich 15 hab meine menstruation jetzt schon extrem lange und stark

Ich bin deswegen auch zur frauenärztin gegangen die hat mir dann tabletten dafür gegeben

Die wirkten aber nicht dann wurden mir stärkere gegeben die wirken aber auch nicht

Ich hab meine menstruation schon seit 4 monaten ungefähr die frauenärztin untersuchte auch meine gebärmutter mit dem ultraschall und da soll alles in ordnung sein

Ich weiß nicht was ich weiter machen soll hat jemand tipps?

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2 years ago


First time, this is not a remote diagnosis! I’m not a doctor. It’s good that you clarified the female doctor and she examined you.

The reason does not necessarily have to lie with the uterus, there can also be other causes behind it, e.g. hormonal disorders, myomas (=good tumors), endometriosis (explanation 1) or adenomyosis (explanation 2). It is important to consult another doctor and talk to him about the medication.

It is important to inform the current female doctor about the ineffectiveness of the drugs. There are various other options to regulate menstruation. These include hormonal contraceptives or intrauterine inpessars (IUPs, Declaration 3). It is important to drink a lot, to eat healthy and to build regular exercise to alleviate the menstrual complaints.

1 Endometriosis = Here is the tissue that actually lies within your uterus (= endometrium) outside the uterus cavity. These tissue accumulations occur everywhere in the body, but frequently uterus, ovaries and intestines are affected.

Symptoms include disproportionate pain during the period and sexual intercourse, infertility, strong and long bleeding, as well as bloating and nausea.

The cause of this disease is not resolved, it is suspected that environmental poisons, genetics and/or hormonal dysfunction are the main causes. Even the exact prevalence of endometriosis is not detectable, one assumes that 2-10 % of women in Germany suffer from it. Most, however, show no or only a few symptoms.

In the treatment, care is taken to reduce the formation of the endometriosis tissue, for example by hormonal therapies or GnRH analogues. In severe cases, even surgical intervention is necessary.

2 Adenomyose = In this case, the endometrium is embedded in the muscle layer of the uterus (=myometrium), whereby the uterus is thickened and enlarged.

There are similar symptoms as in endometriosis, i.e. disproportionate pain, cramps, strong and long-lasting bleeding and an enlarged uterus.

The causes are again unknown, one assumes similar to the endometriosis. The most common are women between 35 and 50, unfortunately the adenomyosis is also a chronic disease.

Here the treatment is similar to that before, only in the case of an surgery the tissue of the uterus is not removed, but it follows a hysterectomy (=uterus removal).

3 IUPs = The intrauterine insulin may be known as a hormone spiral. This is a small T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. The hormone spiral continuously emits a gestagen (=yellow body hormone), usually levonorgestrel, which reduces the mobility of the sperm and the structure of the cervical mucosa (the endometrium).


2 years ago

Sounds to me like a hormone problem when physical everything is OK.

I’d change the doctor and let the hormone test.