Menge an Fahrstunden normal?


ich werde voraussichtlich 22 Übungsfahrten gemacht haben, wenn ich meine praktische Prüfung bestehe. Darauf kommen noch 12 Sonderfahrten. Nach allem Schnickschnack würde ich dann auf knapp 3000€ (!!) für meinen Führerschein mit Theorie und Praxis kommen (mit Gebühren für TÜV und “Administration”) . Ist das normal? Denn damit ist mein Erspartes bald erstmal weg. Da muss man sich ja echt heutzutage überlegen, ob man sich einen Führerschein leisten kann.

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3 years ago

Yes, the number of hours is on average.
The prices of your driving school seem to be more expensive than others.

3 years ago

Not unusual the number of driving hours.

3 years ago

This is still completely within the framework .. the average is relatively accurate.

However, there are 3000,- much for the number of driving hours .. presumably Bavaria? Expensive driving school somehow!

3 years ago

On average, a ski student makes 40 driving hours á 45 minutes. So this is quite normal, with the rides at your driving school seem to be quite expensive if you are going to get 3000€.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tortyeast

I paid 34€ and 39€ for this. In any case, this is an above-average price, and I do not know how Corona has increased the prices of driving schools.

3 years ago

Depending on where you live, your driving school is expensive to very expensive.

3 years ago

I’d say your driving hours are pretty average. And yes, such a driving licence is no longer…