Melatonin Lutschtabletten und Pille?Wechselwirkung?

Hei ich nehme die evaluna 30 und da ich sehr mit schalfproblemen zu kämpfen habe und pflanzliche Mittel schon probiert habe, hat mein Hausarzt gesagt ich soll Melatonin 3mg lutschtabletten ausprobieren.
mich habe ihn gefragt ob es Wechselwirkungen mit der Pille gibt, aber er weis es nicht bzw. ist sich nicht sicher.
dann war ich in der Apotheke und habe da nachgefragt und die meinten es dürfte eig keine Wechselwirkungen geben da es als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zählt.
jedoch steht im Internet dass es Wechselwirkungen geben kann und bei einem Wechselwirkungscheck von einer Apotheken Seite steht dies auch.

ich habe die Tabletten noch nicht da und deshalb keine packungsbeilage um dort nachzuschauen.
ich bin bisschen verunsichert und habe Angst es zu verwenden, bzw es auszuprobieren.

schützt die Pille dann noch?

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1 year ago

If you’re unsure then let it go. Sleep well and the way to that can also be achieved in other ways you do not need tablets.

I wonder why the doctor is recommended, but then it is uncertain whether it has interaction or not. Why would he recommend that if he doesn’t know?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonym72919

Have you ever been to a sleep lab? There must be some cause. The problem is still not helping the tablets in the long term.

1 year ago

Okay, that’s a harder nut to crack. I wish you all the best and good improvement!

1 year ago

Yes, since the ethynylestradiol contained in evaluna (by a certain enzyme called CYP 1A2) can increase the level of melatonin. I would not be able to consult the doctor before the combination.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonym72919

Yes. The blood level of melatonin is higher if you additionally use evaluna. It is not known that the effect of evaluna would be reduced by melatonin.

1 year ago

You should probably ask one of the two.

1 year ago

At any rate, it is not known that melatonin would reduce the effect of evaluna or other contraceptives.

If the melatonin preparation has been prescribed to you medically, you shouldn’t just drop it off.

It would be good if you were to re-explain to the doctor whether the combination was all right, if you did not leave anything medically prescribed. However, if you have prescribed both evaluna and melatonin preparation from the same doctor, he has already verified the combination; you probably wouldn’t worry about it anyway.

1 year ago

Theoretically melatonin overdose. However, it is not yet clear whether the combination is actually problematic/dangerous, but, as stated, it is only known from the theory that the melatonin level can rise (by inhibition of CYP 1A2 by ethinylestradiol which is contained in evaluna). The combination should nevertheless be avoided without medical consultation, so leave as much melatonin as possible.