Meinungen Freund will mit zum Girlstrip?
Also ich (w/18) fliege mit meiner besten freundin in den urlaub weil wir dort Ihren Geburtstag feiern werden. Mein Freund (m/18) möchte auch mitkommen. Ich fand das sehr blöd, weil ich meinte dass ich seit Jahren mit Ihr einen girls trip machen wollte und ich ihn ja auch nie gehindert hab wenn er mit seinen freunden weggefahren ist. Ich meinte dass ich mich zu 100% auf Sie fokussieren möchte weil es Ihre Geburtstagsfahrt ist und ich auch gerne mal in den Urlaub fliegen würde und vielleicht ist das auch falsch von mir aber ich würde gerne zu zweit. Außerdem hab ich gesagt dass wir auch gerne wann anders zu zweit wegfliegen können. Das hat ihm jedoch nicht gepasst und er war nh lange zeit ziemlich sauer auf mich bis ich dann meinte dass er ja vielleicht mit einem freund kommen könnte. Ich habe einen Freund erwähnt wo ich dachte dass er bestimmt nein sagen wird aus privaten gründen. Er hat jedoch ja gesagt und jetzt kommen die beiden wirklich mit. Irgendwie macht es mich sehr sauer und verletzt mich wirklich weil er es mir wirklich gar nicht gegönnt hat und jetzt wo er mitkommen kann denkt er das alles gut ist. Ich weiß nicht ob ich einfach überreagiere und er einfach kommen soll aber meine freundin findet es auch nicht soooo cool. Würde deshalb gerne eure meinung hören, da wir meinten dass wir morgen nochmal drüber reden werden 🙂
Oh, wow, how do you get out of there without any stress? You had to stay with that girl trip. Now it’s probably too late to change what, right? If it’s really no longer changeable, do the best. Your friend had to respect your decision and have to! It was planned without him and so it should stay. Everyone has a right to do what he wants and who he wants. ( Also holiday). If you’re going to 4 on holiday now, I’d discuss exactly how to run on site. He can do with his friend what and leave you and your girlfriend enough time to make your thing without having to take care of him! Then it’s just a holiday for him where he (because he’s on site) sees you by chance. You can do something together (go eat or see what) but not all the time. Time belongs to your girlfriend, point!!! If he does not want to accept it in advance (if you speak again about it), he shall not come. Otherwise, there is only stress and with it (sorry the word) he will ruin your holiday!
Thank you. I have to do this
Press the thumbs. ☘️👍😎
You broke the thing yourself. Why do you offer him a certain friend if you don’t want to?
With a relationship, you always have to be honest and not try to work with tricks. Now again saying no after you offered it yourself is no longer in order, I think.
Next time you want to drive without him and if he quengelt, then look with him directly what you can do to 2. But don’t try to do tricks.
I’ve been married for many years and we’re both going on vacation with friends without partners. I was in London a few weeks ago with two friends. That’s perfectly normal.
You just have to show him that he
1. the same freedom, and
Two. you’d do such things with him, too.
it sar not my intention to trick him or something. He was just mad at me for days and then I just said that. I know jz was wrong to tell him to cancel. I just would have expected him to give it to me and tell him he won’t come. He also knows perfectly that he has freedom, he was with his youngs also in faith and I didn’t say anything
You mentioned an extra friend of whom you came from, he said no. So you didn’t want this to happen.
You wanted to trick him out consciously or unconsciously. And that’s always bad in a relationship.
Now it’s gonna be hard to get out of there. Maybe he’ll get involved if you two are looking for a holiday for you two tomorrow. But surely you can’t be here.
Am I evil now? I don’t understand. I understand I shouldn’t have told him he could come with a friend. Yeah was not right. But he was mad at me for days, and that doesn’t matter or how, though I just wanted to travel with my best friend? Freedom is important in a relationship
Does the girlfriend have a friend who comes along? No, so what’s your friend doing there as the fifth wheel on the car? I guess it was jealousy with your friend and I’m afraid you’d go out evenly. That’s just my guess.
Since the common holiday is apparently unavoidable, you could try to make it on site at least as you want.
Since now the other is there, you could make some one day something together and separate the rest (including the birthday).
The young one should grow up and you should consider if you want to stay with him. When my guess is correct, this is only the beginning of jealousy.
Honestly, you ruined your girlfriend’s birthday. Even if you didn’t want to.
Because it’s her birthday, you should have asked her before you touched your friend. I’d be mad.
I asked her
Okay. That’s different.
I’m afraid you won’t get out of the number. You kind of screwed yourself up.
Just do what you wanted to do as a girl trip. Makes clear indications of which program points the guys may be there and when not. Don’t let your friend talk. Just block that with the fact that he has been undesirably upset and about your girlfriend’s birthday. He broke that.
yes thanks :/ let’s see how it will be
Where’s the problem? Why shouldn’t he be with this? 😉
Oh why that?
Why have you ever been together?
and what are you doing on the “Girls Trip”? 😉
He nix doof 😂
Why shouldn’t it be “all good”? Where is the problem? and as I said….
It’s not that, just because you’re “together” you can’t do anything alone without the partner. Strange attitude… And with a good friend or a good friend, you’d like to discuss something among yourself, undisturbed. Maybe you want to have unfiltered input from outside the relationship, that’s more than healthy.
From my point of view is a relationship SINNLOS. Actually, there’s no reason they’re together. She still wants to behave like a single lady but without being single.
There is only one reason for a relationship between man and woman: to establish a family.
The WARS. Your job in a relationship is to qualify for it.
And that means your own needs are set back and the needs of the family get priority.
Actually, her partner was wasting energy and time. I would have just ended the relationship at his place, because he has nothing of it.
But I know 80% of all men are also unattractive 🤣
Very strange world view that will probably not share the majority of the population…
Well, you buried the pit yourself… I can understand your negative attitude. You could have stood for this and if necessary. If you pretend what you don’t want yourself, you have to live with the consequence. I find you getting out of there as inappropriate as your friend’s genius at the beginning. I hope you’ve voted your friend’s proposal for a ride with your girlfriend before?! Otherwise, it’s gonna be mad at you right now…
yes I told her before, of course. She doesn’t have such a big problem with it naja naturally doesn’t look great but she understands it