Meinung zur Impfung?

Hi, wollte wissen wie eure Meinung zur Covid Impfung ist, es sind neue Studien rausbekommen bei der ca. 1% aller geimpft Schäden davongetragen haben, seid ihr Pro oder Gegen Covid Impfung, ich bin Neutral so wie die Schweiz aber was sagt ihr? Sind die 1% nur ein ,,Klacks” da das Virus gefährlicher ist? Oder doch nicht? Was sagt ihr!

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2 years ago

The new study with the 1% spread e.g. by the MDR is absolute garbage.

You just have to look at how the data was collected. It consists of a simple anonymous online survey without any verification where you can specify whether you have serious side effects.
Whether this is actually the case or whether you are vaccinated at all cannot be checked.

Read more about this study:

2 years ago

Is the public broadcasting of conspiracy theorists, Nazis and alutists okay?

2 years ago
Reply to  DocPsychopath

I don’t think so. A few extremes there certainly is not the majority.
But seemingly editors who do not take their duties so seriously and simply spread it without noticeable enough to point out the problems of this study. Maybe who just wanted to have a big story again.

The Charité had to issue a position itself and distanced itself.

2 years ago

But there aren’t individual crazy editors who bring a show to the program.

That’s what the chief editor decides.

And this has already decided a second time in the case.

2 years ago

Hi, Jannmei60.

There’s something I need to pick up.

I have triple vaccination, and was also for vaccination, as I said: it can’t get worse, the vaccination can possibly protect me better.

Now I found some things with me that I brought back to the vaccination point I had no wart yet in my life, and have now got a very small wart at the décollleté, and also loud little pimples that I did not know before.

I came to the conclusion that the dirt that is injected into the body must somehow become noticeable.

So I’m ready to look at another vaccination. That is why I can only advise anyone to decide for themselves and not to be influenced from the outside.

Greetings, Renate.

2 years ago

I wasn’t expecting such solid results early. 1 noticeably damaged per 100 vaccinations, which corresponded to the side effects of the category “frequently occurring” (!)

And often there are only minor side effects, but heavy ones must be rare.

With a death rate of 0.15 percent, vaccination has become very questionable. Especially when you refer to the fact that the dying are almost all in the age of death. While the vaccinations are in younger generations.

In normal times, this preparation would be taken from the market or prescribed only under conditions for special target groups.

So far, I didn’t tell anyone whether to let him invade or not. In view of such data, however, this changes now.

2 years ago
Reply to  DocPsychopath

But I had expected that people like you, as long as they fit into the world’s own image of reality, believe that any claim that an anonymous unknown throws into the Internet. :

2 years ago
Reply to  DocPsychopath

Only one cannot take the figures of this study seriously because they are not representative and cannot be verified.

2 years ago

What are you saying?

2 years ago

As a risk patient I am now, I am very grateful and relieved that there is this vaccination – because they may extend my life considerably.

Risks and side effects are available in every vaccination and every medication!

Surviving the chances of vaccination is undoubtedly greater!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jannmei60


2 years ago

Good morning Jannmei60,

who still believes that the vaccination is a good thing, should it be – every one of them!

Why so many vaccinated naturally have 3x- now Corona, nobody wants to know about it. Vaccination helps as much as flu vaccination, namely nothing.

If I always hear, but the “experts” have said and they are quite ridiculous!

Otherwise – continue as before!:)


2 years ago

I’m neither for it nor for everyone to decide for themselves. I’m not vaccinated and I’ve never been ill, I and others have been protected.

2 years ago

You mean the study here? The one is but a survey, and in which the Charité (from which it is) distances itself from the interpretation you have just made?

2 years ago

I have an obligation, but otherwise I also think that it is sensible

2 years ago

Neutral, but it is not good that people who are not vaccinated have a huge disadvantage.

2 years ago

Right and important

2 years ago

Those who want to be inoculated should be allowed to and can do so.

But there must never be a vaccination against Corona, and the existing one in health care should be eaten.

2 years ago

I would not rely on the vote of the good question users, but on the assessment of the experts. And they still say that vaccination is the far better alternative.

2 years ago

Switzerland is never neutral.

2 years ago
Reply to  Niknox

But Sweden

2 years ago
Reply to  Mrsvaccinated

No. They financially supported the Germans.

2 years ago

Yeah. Don’t make it better.

2 years ago

The USA also with oil

2 years ago

133,000 people died of coronavirus .

I don’t think you need to think about what’s more dangerous!The virus or vaccination

2 years ago
Reply to  Jannmei60


2 years ago

Your claim is wrong. There is no 1% damage.

2 years ago

Send the studies, Amigo!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jannmei60

The guy is hott I am now a vaccine

2 years ago
Reply to  Jannmei60

Youtube University is not accepted

2 years ago

The video just recently saw what a coincidence