Meinung zu Veganer?
Hey. Bevor ich diese frage stelle, möchte ich euch bitten respektvoll in den Antworten zu sein.
Wollte fragen, was eure Meinung zu Veganer sind?
Hey. Bevor ich diese frage stelle, möchte ich euch bitten respektvoll in den Antworten zu sein.
Wollte fragen, was eure Meinung zu Veganer sind?
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Hallo, mein Name ist Francesco und ich habe mich seit kurzem dazu entschieden Vegan zu leben. Jemand hat mir aber erzählt dass man als Veganer keinen Hund halten soll/kann, weil man damit ja die Fleischindustrie weiterhin unterstützt, wie ist eure Ansicht dazu?
Als Aufschnitt z.B. von Rügenwalder Mühle
I used to be a vegan raw manufacturer and I still live vegetarian today. The pure fruit raw food is unfortunately not suitable for people due to the lack of protein as a permanent diet. The normal vegan diet with soy carvings should be suitable here, but also not very healthy. The whole protein isolates in this designer food are highly unnatural and denatured. In this respect, my old Rohköstler consciousness protects me from the mistakes of “mainstream”-veganism.
That doesn’t mean I like the militant vegan… I don’t understand why you need to connect vegans to her automatically.
Why I don’t think of you, I explained more precisely here:
I have absolutely nothing against vegans, but I like diversity.
In addition, the prices for vegan food are undamaged high.
Pull my hat before even if I don’t like the moral argument “dIe tIeRe sTeRbEn”.
The fact that the Viechers are slaughtered is the least bad thing about the whole story, as they are kept to death, I noticeably more.
Don’t let them grow for meat anymore, they don’t have to live like that and they won’t be killed at all.
I wouldn’t be able to feed myself vegan because I love milk and cheese too much, but whoever wants to feed on vegans can do that because of me as long as he doesn’t want me to do that.
Some are quite annoying. But they are a minority in the minority, do not represent the whole vegan group and are quite the opposite of the vegans I personally know.
I have nothing against vegans as long as they don’t try to impose their opinion.
If we finance animal cruelty, it is necessary to make it clear that we are being criticised.
You’re just such a specialist why many vegans experience aversion. Congratulations.
MY? Caution with new submissions – it is entirely DEINE “Moral” that wants to give animals the same rights as people. What you’re trying to deny to all those who contradict this nonsense is revoking every foundation. But who does not have any arguments for his opinion would like to try to write his own deficits to the opposite.
… and further “The mother instinct is also present in dairy cows, although not as strong as in some cattle breeds grown for meat production”. So you are in possession of -what surprise!- animal instincts, what you try to show us here as evidence for your absurd assertion that it would make no difference whether an animal or a human is suffering.
If you do not strictly boycott the products of the food companies: of course you will pay it!
Your theory fails in African practice at the latest if the country does not produce anything other than the goat grass. Just tell them what you’re doing here for the best. The fact that they are inhumans who feed themselves from “cadastral” instead of how Western prosperity-stored simply order their hip vegan menu online.
After still no answer comes I assume that I am right with my assumption.
In principle, you have no idea what kind of effort it is to produce food (no matter what type), even less idea how the environment must be created in order to discard at all, and finally, like the mass of the middle Europeans, completely lost the relation to reality.
Do you wish other beings death and torture, or freedom from it?
Let me guess: Grey concrete, maybe a little tree in front of the window?
I’ll answer that after you first answered my question.
Then look out the window again, how are you looking?
Nothing, it’s dark.
Why don’t you answer my question?
Please breathe deeply, forget me and the social struggle for the topic vegan.
And ask yourself: Why is it so difficult for me to answer this question? Is it really reasonable what I’m doing?
Remember. Almost every vegan used to be a meat eater. And many vegans have defended the consumption of animal products at any point in their lives.
Have you ever looked out of the window? What do you see?
What is not necessary. In Germany, 1.5 million people who completely do not buy animal products live not only in the food sector. You could do that too.
I realize that you buy animal products as food, but why do you decide for this unnecessary violence and not against it?
For the simple reason of food production.
I appeal to your morality and empathy. I am trying to use for the victims of violence, which are completely helplessly delivered to their opponents and which cannot raise a voice to change their situation.
To criticize this violence on animals is the only hope for recovery.
I’ll ask you again and appeal to your empathy again. Why do you decide to torture and kill animals if you could leave it as well?
” Neither you nor I can decide how other people live.”
Then why are you trying that on cramp?
I still don’t care about your vegan diet, and I don’t discriminate about it either. But you’ve been around for a while, trying to make me and others not as live as you do bad.
I had just pointed out to you at first that your argument is exactly one that makes vegans fight hostility, no more, and no less.
You can’t even tell me why you as an individual have the right to eat the body parts of human-like living beings.
Are you close to everything you do to “the whole world”? Is any violence justified for you so long as the whole world does not stop?
Neither you nor I can decide how other people live. We cannot decide whether other people rape, torture and murder.
We can only decide on OUR ACTIVITIES. And you choose a lifestyle for which animals are tortured and killed. Why are you doing this?
You have the choice whether you have to suffer cattle, pigs, chickens, sheep, and other fatalities. You have the chance to decide!
I find in the study only area details, nothing to their qualities or yields.
Aha, so killing insects is okay, and using animals for food production is not- as you mean.
If you can doubtlessly show that you can feed the world without using animals for it or unnecessarily burdening the environment, then I think about an answer, but I haven’t seen any argument that it can.
You can read this in the linked study.
You’re avoiding my question.
Because of me, insects die, which I cannot avoid further
Because of you, insects AND you choose a lifestyle where human beings are tormented and painfully killed.
Why are you doing this?
“I avoid killing insects as far as possible”
This proves that you’re taking two measures.
To your set “For vegan diet 75% less area is necessary” I would have a few questions:
Which areas are considered, what soil quality was used to calculate, what types of crops, what yields, what qualities of yields are set?
It’s not. I avoid the killing of insects to such an extent that I do not consume honey, but also by not supporting livestock farming. In agriculture, many insects are killed by pesticides and on most agricultural area in DE, namely 60% feed is grown for farm animals. [Source] For a vegan diet 75% less agricultural area is required [Source]
Why do you care that 80 billion farm animals are slaughtered annually? Why don’t you care that every tenth animal in DE isn’t properly stunned and died? [Source]
You could feed yourself vegan. Instead, you decide to commission and finance animal cruelty and animal murder through purchases. Why are you doing this?
You forgot the insects you don’t care if they die for your survival.
How can I not be better? Do I also pay for the slaughter of 750 million animals in Germany alone every year?
Plants and fungi have no pain receptors. Do you seriously want to compare a flower with a dog or pig in puncto suffering?
Not to be much better, but to be a monster to others.
You are really exciting
Insects are also animals, plants are also beings and fungi even more animals than humans.
Yes, I do. But I also intellectually distinguish myself from mentally handicapped persons and toddlers. Can you torture and slaughter them after your morality?
They scream for days after their calves that were taken away from them. [Source]
And calves that are raised nutlessly, unfortunately under permanent stress [page 3-4]
No. I’m not putting my family on the same level as an insect. Nonetheless, this is not justification for breeding, tormenting and slaughtering billions of human-like living beings.
Then why don’t you do it? Start with the steep thesis, “that animals suffer as much as you and me.” Does the cow worry about what happens to her calves when she goes on her last way? Do you intellectually not distinguish yourself from an animal?
Okay, let’s keep thinking about your world of thought: Did you make absolutely every living being equal to man?
I can justify and prove my statements, that’s the difference.
Of course, I think that murder and violence are wrong as the only right one. You do that, don’t you?
Do you think it’s wrong to torture people and kill them against their will?
Did you see this opinion as “the only right one”?
The only difference between our opinions is that you look at animals as inferior to them that you deny them the right to life. On the other hand, I don’t push animals to suffer as violent as you and me.
This is what the representatives of other belief systems also claim when they place their totalitarian ideology as the only true one. Unfortunately, as they are wrong, they do not notice as much as dietary fanatics.
I don’t despise vegans. If someone says he’s vegan then I accept that. I don’t care about your reasons.
But you are one of those who consider his opinion as “the only right one”, and so you are exactly the problem of veganism.
As I said, you only prove a bear service with the statements of the movement, and I congratulated you for that.
No. The people who despise vegans are the reason why vegans are despised.
I say nothing but truth. And anyone must say it, because the victims of the problem have no voice and are completely helplessly delivered to the torture of people.
I have nothing directly against the militant vegan, in principle she is right, but her methods are the wrong ones and throw a false light on veganism.
As long as vegans do not go home with their way of life, everything is in good order
Vegans are the best people I know. Characteristic as well as by their actions.
It’s people. Some are nice, some aren’t.
Mostly good people.
If they leave me alone with what I want to eat and not try to mission
A pitiful victim of the vegan industry.
Life and life…