Meinung zu meiner Ernährung „Sport“?
Morgens – Haferflocken, Milch, Bannane/Apfel
Mittags – weißes Fleisch, Reis/Nudeln/Kartoffeln, viel Gemüse und Olivenöl
Snack – Nüsse, Shake, Quark
Abends – Eier/Thunfisch und natürlich Gemüse
„/„ bedeutet, dass ich variiere.
so I personally don’t eat anything that is chemically excessively far from the fruit on the tree…
Example 1: Salad is ok… But milk does not (because the cow has completely rebuilt the salad, so that her calf will grow big and strong and love… how it works in man, I don’t know…)…
Example 2: boiled carrots, because only the woody cell walls become soft, so my body gets better to the nutrients…
Example 3: Nuts R & D&Oliven… But no edible oil because there are essential ingredients of the fruit…