Meinung zu Meinen Designs?
Servus, ich bin auf die Idee gekommen ein paar Designs für Klamotten zu erstellen und wollte mal eure Meinung dazu haben wie ihr sie findet. Alle Designs/Logo sind selber erstellt. Das sind ein paar meine Designs, ich arbeite aber noch an weiteren.
Joar, it’s okay, but I don’t think I’d buy one.
You urgently need English help.
Zest for Life would be more elegantly formulated. And the silence is called Silence and the Silent is the one who is desolated due to this bad grammar.
It would be too generic, everyday, inconspicuous. It recalls too many brands and products that are already on the market.
I’d be too colourful.
I also feel something like saying – too childlike.
In addition, everybody just steals something on the front and back.
Work a little more with the sleeves, letterings all around etc.
Sometimes it doesn’t always have to be fat and fat.
What scary triste non-colors. Take some bright, colourful colors.