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Hauptständer bei Simson S51 quietscht?
Hallo, mir ist heute aufgefallen das mein Hauptständer bei meiner S51 (nur beim stehen also aufbocken) quietscht, ist das normal bzw. was kann ich machen das es nicht mehr quietscht?
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ich sehe da hat keine Schule nach 18:00 bzw. 18:30 ofen
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Darf ich an meinem 18. Geburtstag schon fahren?
Servus, ich habe den BF17 Schein und werde morgen 18 Jahre alt. Darf ich heute um 24:00 Uhr (an meinem Geburtstag) schon alleine Auto fahren oder erst einen Tag nach meinem Geburtstag (damit ich vollständig 18 bin).
Do not agree, as they do not offer a single model, which would interest me in the least. If it weren’t, I would prefer the brand to the whole Chinese, but in the market where they are active, I would rather go to one of the great Japanese manufacturers. There is rest, spare parts and service.
What do you mean?
malaguti is Austrian/Italian
Right. And both are not necessarily known for the best quality and service. The Japanese are qualitatively very good and uncomplicated, as well as favorable in maintenance.
I’m driving an Italian motorcycle myself. But no Brit and butter bike to come from A to B. There were other criteria for me. But at 125’s, it’s mainly about cheap mobility and there’s no one going to do anything so fast for the Japanese.
I want everyone to go with him. According to Wikipedia, they are built in San Lazzaro di Savena, which is outside Bologna
Malaguti is being built in Bologna, right?
I’m very happy with my XSM 125 she doesn’t make any problems
also quite good for a 125