Meinung zu Grüntee?
Meinung zu hochwertigen grüntee
Hi Ich wollte grad mein joghurt essen und auf dem Deckel warun so grün/ gelbe Punkte drauf. Hier ein Bild Kann man das noch essen?
ist es normal? hab als kind immer 0,5 liter die woche wasser getrunken( nur wasser also ohne redbull,cola…) hab auch sonst kein durst
Sorry, Spaghettieis und Co ist in dieser Umfrage ausgeschlossen. 😁 Was wäre eure Wahl und wieso? 🍨
Kann man dieses Zitronensäure-pulver zum kochen schmelzen? Hallo ich würde gerne wissen ob man das Zitronensäure-Pulver wie Zucker schmelzen kann weil ich würde gern Bonbons daraus machen, um meine Freunde zu trollen.
What is high quality green tea or When does he start to be high-quality? Green tea should be healthy and is better than beer or wine.
If the stick consists of real tea leaves. Less from waste products. Best organic and from Japan come as much I know
Yeah, sure, Bio…. I could live with the other one, but BIO? With green tea that is BIO, I get heartburn. It shouldn’t be, should it?
This doesn’t happen in the normal reason tea.
I notice how little you have 🙃
Let’s see what you believe in. :
If it is not organic, this pesticide could contain. In the case of the bioproduct, this is excluded
Japanese Sencha tastes very good. Green tea is generally good for health. It is said from another side at the same time that there is too high a health-damaging effect because of the pesticides. But if you buy organic tea, which is also really biotee, it does not contain pesticides.
I don’t like it at all, I haven’t tasted any green tea yet, I don’t need the sprouts, and I can give up…
I like to be very happy and helps me to be awake and stay 🙂
is good
I love green tea.