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2 years ago

Hello, MatheEasy11.

We live in Germany, and we still don’t nag on the famine.

Thus we do not have to stretch our food with insects.

If I’d like to eat these, I’ll order a portion of grilled pussy at the Southeast Asian.

Greetings, Renate.

2 years ago
Reply to  MatheEasy11

Thank you. 🤗

2 years ago

It is also possible to use only a very specific material which is relatively expensive at the top.

So there is not even every salad with insects stretched to save money.

But if we want to survive it will be necessary to drastically reduce meat consumption, especially beef consumption. This could happen, for example, by locust burgers and the like.

And the affirmation that it does not have to be declared is also freely invented. It’s at least on the ingredients list. Even if there is no extra label on the pack “includes insect components”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Asporc

Neither flourworms, nor cereal beetles are ” expensive substances” but pests.

And if, as you suggest, it is made particularly expensive as a food additive, it does not increase the quality of the foods that are put in it. You’re just being fucked twice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sterntaler927

It’s not about the worms. The law is years old. It is about the new law that has just been decided.

Why the flourworms and locusts a few years ago nobody said no idea.

And when I had beaten it a few days ago, this powder was that now may be added more expensive than currently used. Therefore, no large insect flood in the food markets.

2 years ago

Not only disgusting, but also the willingness of the population, which has not been asked whether it agrees with it.

Practically, it seems that the citizen does not even have the choice as to whether he wants to consume “enriched” foods in this way or not, because there are too many to which the stuff is mixed.

A clearly overarching action by the EU.

In this sense, good appetite! 🤢

2 years ago
Reply to  Sterntaler927

The EU’s oversight is hardly addressed in this issue. It is important, however, to see how far our freedom is involved. Thank you for pointing out!

2 years ago
Reply to  Avena

Thanks DIR! As you can see, I’ve only made a punch here. But I was not really surprised, because these individuals do not want to understand what happens to them.

Surprised, really pleasantly surprised me therefore your comment.

2 years ago

It’s crazy! Take care of all the others.

2 years ago

I fished out of the Internet yesterday:

2 years ago

Let’s not talk about what I think. But there is no doubt that this and not only that direction contributed to the suppression of society. This began in the 70s and then increased at a speed of rapidity.

2 years ago

They only lack cognitive skills.

Presumably, this is because the government is encroaching our own thinking more and more. It is so convenient to just follow the given opinions and not have to take responsibility. Or do you think they’re just stupid from home?

2 years ago

They’re not blind. They only lack cognitive skills. And more and more.

And that is exactly what makes them so dangerous for civilized humanity.

2 years ago

Oh, I’m glad. I only know those badgers from the community too well. Sometimes it’s almost unbearable.

for these individuals do not want to understand what happens to them.

I see that as well and wonder again and again, how is it possible that most people are so blind? It’s all the more important that we report to the word “perspective”.

2 years ago

I don’t understand the excitement about it.

Insects may be processed for longer.

It’s better to length than any chemistry.

There is a need for drawing

2 years ago
Reply to  nobodyathome

The EU does not have the right to make such a decision on the heads of the European population and not even to make the choice of buying what it prefers, but rather to use this dirt by making this admixture possible in a wide range of foods.

What’s so incomprehensible for you? The decision on what is eaten should still be left to the individual.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sterntaler927

But a production and trade stop of the dangerous “Polenböller” does not interest anyone in Brussels! This even causes people to die.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sterntaler927

What’s your problem?

What do you not understand about labelling?

You’re free to buy what you want.

2 years ago

Nothing stupid, it was never forbidden in the USA*:

Can you please let your pussy and conspiracy theories be simple?:)

No one is forced to eat something and it must be very well marked.

2 years ago

Bullshit. It is an EU regulation. And with the labelling obligation, this is also such a thing. If a product in which the stuff has been processed, it is no longer necessary to record. That’s it. But you like to enter whatever you like. I don’t want to stop you from eating well, what you say you have to eat it.

2 years ago

It’s actually been released to me.

2 years ago

But you realize that in the United States (where you seem to live) it was never forbidden to use insects in food?:)

In the United States this is as common as with us 😉

2 years ago

I’m actually freed. However, EUCH in Germany does not. And labelling obligation [in Latin] does not change the fact that the EU has acted beyond the heads of citizens. 😏

2 years ago

Haaallo, there were only three more and also explicitly declared ingredients placed on a long and valid list…

No more…

…who can read is clearly in the advantage: no one is allowed to just tip insects so unplanned, even not secretly…

2 years ago

I find it absolutely disgusting and find it frightening that something has been enforced. I hope it does not concern any products I like to eat, otherwise I will have to do without it in the future, or I will have to look for alternatives in the form of similar products that do not contain it. I cannot imagine eating insects, even if they are processed and are not a visible ingredient. Only the knowledge that insect ingredients are in what you want to eat is disgusting and dissuasive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Miyuna

Your criticism and abhorrence would have to be directed against the EU, as the premise came from Brussels – just as many other insane regulations (e.g. no fluorescent tube ban). But a ban on production and Trade of the “Polenböller” isn’t getting baked – even though people die every year and are seriously injured!

2 years ago

Perfectly comprehensible.

Insects from a breeding are hygienic at all no problem and insects are eaten all over the world. In the past, they were also in Europe (and will certainly be in a few areas even today).

And whoever honestly thinks he/she would never eat anything of insects, he/she should make himself smart about fireplace and schellack

Both are obtained from aphids and is a completely normal medium in the food industry.

2 years ago
Reply to  Handyfrage234

Who thinks that before pressing every worm can be lured from the apples? – From vegan.

Our ancestors, e.g. those who have seen the green comets, were happy about any made or larva, but they have not lived so much healthier and much more expensive than us.

2 years ago
Reply to  hoermirzu

You’re right about apple juice, and all of this can be extended to a lot of food. Basically on all juices and on mus, but also much so processed (especially on wine)

Our ancestors have now also lived less healthy and short than we have 🙂

Insects are not harmful, but as super health promotion I have not described them:D

They are a very simple food and like all foods they have their advantages and disadvantages 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Handyfrage234

This was an additive in food and drink products. Campari, for example, has long since abandoned the use (Cochenillerot) – justification at that time: does not fit to produced European culture. And in lipsticks it is no longer.

2 years ago

That’s not true.

Karmin is e120 and is still used today as a coloring agent in many foods

2 years ago

That may be, but still it is still used, campari are not the only ones who use it and they never did it here. “Summer less” doesn’t mean “even no more.” This is in no way contrary to what I have written 😉

2 years ago

More and more E124 is used. It is cheaper, does not cause allergic reactions – and you do not want to lose the vegetarian market.

2 years ago

Campari stopped the use.

2 years ago

Can you do anything else than offensive?

Glyphosate has nothing to do with insect farms, or do you think you’re going off and collecting insects from the meadows?

2 years ago

Bio lesson sleeps, zoomed on the phone or not even participated? Congratulations!

2 years ago

I honestly don’t really understand what this should have to do with the subject.

2 years ago

Do you ask the politicians elected by the majority why they destroy insects over a large area, those who survive glyphosate because they can escape, also deprive the habitat?

What a crazy idea started from the absolutely wrong side!

2 years ago

I don’t know what to do. I find it disgusting, we don’t need that. So far we’ve been out without.

2 years ago
Reply to  Avena

Then I advise you to inform you about the subject before you make such an opinion.

2 years ago
Reply to  leChatNoir267

I don’t need to know. I find disgusting and don’t want to eat insects. Point.

2 years ago

Fine. Very happy

2 years ago

Okay, I read. Thank you for staying objective.

2 years ago

Also a reason you should inform yourself, because then you would immediately start these unfounded fears: No panic, neither what you write in your first sentence nor what is in your last sentence is true or will happen. Keywords: 1. Significant statutory labelling obligation, 2. Profitability – Why should someone use expensive insects where they are not used or large advertised? No baker wants to do loss business. But I have already described the facts here, see the comments under the answer from Martinjharwigso I don’t have to copy everything.

2 years ago

Of course, I’m forced to eat insects with such a law. When I buy bread from my farm baker, I don’t know if insects are processed or not. But I don’t force anyone to eat insects. Everyone can keep it as he wants. I just don’t want them included in basic food.

2 years ago

This is not the content of your answer.

I don’t know, what that’s good for. (…) So far we have been out

You know that if you were to inform you about it. It has enormous advantages and we have not done well without the benefits.

That you personally find it disgusting is your opinion and has nothing to do with the benefits of insects as food. You can also inform you about benefits and still find it disgusting, that would be completely legitimate.

Because no one forces you to eat insects. However, by a continuing ban on insects, you would not force people who want to eat insects due to these benefits to do it.

2 years ago

It’s what’s in it! If you don’t want to eat it, you can choose something else.

2 years ago
Reply to  Serenety78

Who reads the small print on the wall in the storeroom of the baker?

2 years ago

Who chooses his bakery exclusively after the price ;o)

2 years ago

The fact is that it stands…

2 years ago

We’ll see!

2 years ago

Often you have to ask for the ingredients list – and then get the answer: it is not available right now, is in revision. All people who have a mite allergy are warned. An anaphylactic shock is not a “children’s play”!

2 years ago

How can something be disgusting if you don’t even know how it tastes? What an attitude! Isn’t it a couple of insect proteins to mampose? As long as it tastes and is healthy I am full of it! 🙂

2 years ago


Opinion on EU regulation insects in food?

Maybe pragmatic, but in this case, the food conservative comes out of me.

2 years ago
Reply to  martinjharwig

You don’t have to eat it.

2 years ago
Reply to  leChatNoir267

Do you know what the baker mixes you all in the bread dough?

2 years ago
Reply to  leChatNoir267

Since the insect latinum is not entirely known to me, my will is irrelevant in this sense.

2 years ago
Reply to  martinjharwig

The idea of this alone is very repulsive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ehrenmann29


2 years ago

…vllt. the insect hype brings a little more sensitivity and service ;o)

2 years ago

Well, if you’re content with it, you’ll have to learn about it.

There is the obligation to declare and must be provided by the staff – on request…

2 years ago

In a bakery chain with pure sales points – without trained specialists – this does not work. Sellers don’t know what’s in the products! They refer to a flag or give a list, but it is usually “not available”. Even so often experienced.

2 years ago


2 years ago

You can just ask – then they have to say if what’s in it or not…

2 years ago

With scientific & German name – the marking is literally prescribed…

2 years ago

As I said, why should your stem baker suddenly mix insects into your stem bread andnot do you know what? What benefit should he draw from it? Insect flour, for example, is approx. 20 times more expensive than “normal” flour. If the Becker would offer bread with insects, the price would be a multiple higher (or he makes losses) and he would be open as specificity weaving – similar to protein bread or chia-seed bread etc. Why would any baker suddenly mix “secret” expensive locusts into the bread?

And also as I said, it behaves like any other ingredient before. If you haven’t looked in before, what ingredients are in your bread, why are you worried at once? How do you know that your baker does not use cereals with potentially carcinogenic fungicide residues? Why at once the irrational fear due to insects?

2 years ago

A note in the sales room is sufficient for the baker. And who reads it? This is similar to the Allergen label in fast restaurants.

2 years ago

Insects must be clearly labeled as all other ingredients and specified exactly with Latin name, just because of the house dust and shell animal allergy. And no fear: Your baker will not secretly mix a few bad locusts into your bread, why? The manufacturers who will sell insect products will certainly advertise big, because contrary to your opinion, there are many potential customers who have been waiting for it for a long time.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Jut. Insect latinum, I think that could introduce secondary schools.

2 years ago




2 years ago

Then you can also obtain the drinking water from the waste water of the waste water treatment plant. Mainly germ-free (by clarification and irradiation). But there is also a culturally anchored psychic threshold to eat or drink some.

2 years ago

I will never eat anything again without reading the ingredients

2 years ago
Reply to  norag301

This is difficult because this is always super-small printed, often in English.