Opinion on airsoft at 14?
Do you think it's okay to start playing airsoft at 14 (I'm still 13, turning 14 soon)? Or should I wait until 18 so I can start playing immediately?
And does it make sense to buy weapons etc. at 13?
Do you think it's okay to start playing airsoft at 14 (I'm still 13, turning 14 soon)? Or should I wait until 18 so I can start playing immediately?
And does it make sense to buy weapons etc. at 13?
For medical reasons, I have to wear a corset that covers almost all of my back and some areas of my front as well. I've already shot it with 0.5 joules and didn't feel anything. I suspect that with 1-2 joules, I'll feel almost nothing. I guess it will be allowed, but it is not…
Hello dear community, I have the following problem I ordered the kj works hi Capa 6 full metal co2 airsoft pistol 3 days ago and only shot 2 magazines and noticed that the barrel wobbles completely, both outside and inside Just like the CO2 magazine lets too much through, which means I don't even shoot…
Hello, I would like to install a completely new inner and outer barrel + hopup unit in my Eliteforce 1911 tac CO2. Are replacement parts available, and if so, which ones would be compatible with my weapon (brand)? Preferably from Germany or the EU… thanks in advance
Hey guys, I ordered an airsoft gun, which arrived today. I immediately unpacked it and shot a few times with it, but suddenly it stopped firing. I think a bullet got stuck in the barrel. What should I do? Nothing is happening, and I don't know much about it either. my airsoft: APS M4A1 RIS…
Hello, I'd like to buy airsoft guns online, but as a beginner, I have no idea. What's the best choice for a website and airsoft gun as a beginner?
Hello, I need help disassembling my Glock 17 Gen 5 CO2 pistol in caliber 177. Diabolo. I have the problem that I can't take the pistol apart. The left and right disassembly levers, which are adjustable on my G17 g5 airsoft pistol, are part of the grip on my air pistol. I've already tried taking…
If you’re already enjoying it, why wait?
But what is very important – before you buy weapons and equipment, make sure that you have a legal field at all in a decent location, where you can play with 14 or if there is a team of 14 who either have their own terrain or ride together on legal games. For this you can check out the Airsoft Directory.de and use the team search.
For the Airsoftweapon, the prohibition of conduct applies outside of acquitted property, only transportation in a closed container is allowed (among others, up to 10,000€)
Depending on how much budget you have now, it would certainly make sense to wait with the purchase until you are 14. Perhaps for your birthday there is also a small upgrade from your budget;-). For a usable starter AEG you can count up from about 120€ if what better is to be from 200€.
I’d definitely start being 14.
It’s just a lot of fun and when you first met friends it’s cooler.
LG Jannik
Makes a lot of fun.
However, since you are only allowed to play with 0.5 joule, I would advise to go to 0.5 game fields. Makes more fun anyway.
All right! Thanks for the answer 😀