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3 years ago

If you’re already enjoying it, why wait?

But what is very important – before you buy weapons and equipment, make sure that you have a legal field at all in a decent location, where you can play with 14 or if there is a team of 14 who either have their own terrain or ride together on legal games. For this you can check out the Airsoft and use the team search.

For the Airsoftweapon, the prohibition of conduct applies outside of acquitted property, only transportation in a closed container is allowed (among others, up to 10,000€)

Depending on how much budget you have now, it would certainly make sense to wait with the purchase until you are 14. Perhaps for your birthday there is also a small upgrade from your budget;-). For a usable starter AEG you can count up from about 120€ if what better is to be from 200€.

3 years ago

I’d definitely start being 14.

It’s just a lot of fun and when you first met friends it’s cooler.

LG Jannik

3 years ago

Makes a lot of fun.

However, since you are only allowed to play with 0.5 joule, I would advise to go to 0.5 game fields. Makes more fun anyway.