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For me, an abortion would never come into question!
But two close women have driven off! Both from conviction!
I am fully behind them and to their decision, which I fully accept, for it was not made out of a whim! It’s because of a lot of life!
Because no woman is out of Jux and Dollerei! This is a serious decision for every woman!
Every abortion kills an unborn child. Abortions are therefore also found in criminal law in the chapter of crimes against life. And there it belongs. No one can kill another from egoism. There are extreme exceptions when mother’s life is at risk etc. But not in the measure and the popularity as it is currently happening
The question is too general to get meaningful answers. Abortions may not be an alternative to remuneration, but in some cases they are justified or even necessary. If by pregnancy the life of the mother is in danger. For example, if chemotherapy cannot be carried out due to unwanted pregnancy. There are also very aggressive tumors that grow so fast without chemo that the mother would not survive long enough to bring the child to the world. Other diseases can also be an urgent medical indication for abortion. Victims of rape should be allowed to vote and they do not also force the child of the perpetrator to bear and thus to be constantly reminded of the act. It would not be fair to the child, too, because not every woman is able to love the child and not to develop hatred or aggressions against the child, which may be similar to the perpetrator.
There is no contraception method that acts 100%, so it makes sense in certain cases to approve abortion if a method fails. A well-known example was pill that failed under chemotherapy. The woman then took the child and interrupted the chemo. Unfortunately, the child came too early and died in intensive care after months. The trauma was bigger than an abortion and not every decision against an abortion guarantees the survival of the child. In certain cases, serious disabilities are likely to be dangerous to the child. There is always a need for a thorough decision in individual cases, and no one can certainly say what will happen and what decision is better. A flat-rate ban would be morally wrong, as well as a flat-rate permit.
I think you can write the word out. It’s called abortion. Not drought.
Abortions are part of the health care of women.
I also believe that this should be available to every woman, but I also agree with the time limit. Of course, in exceptional cases also outside these, e.g. when there are health risks.
I also think abortion is not a murder. The criteria for murder are not fulfilled legally. A cell lump is also something other than a child.
I also believe that the life of the woman is more important than that of a cell lump. If pregnancy threatens the life of the woman, then the life of the woman is saved, even if the cell lump cannot become a child.
Sry, but I wasn’t sure if I could write this way.
May you.
Definitely the decision of the woman. Men can’t even feel this feeling and that’s why everyone should decide on their own body
Should still be possible.
Should be legal, of course.
You don’t have to censor.
LG and beautiful evening
Jaa but I didn’t know that, good question extinguishes very harmless things but not so idk
This is not due to certain words, but to the content. Words that are not desired here do not go through the filter.
All right, here on good question, I know no posts are deleted due to words, but always the context is crucial. Your question is completely valid and therefore I do not see any reason for deletion.
read the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court in 1995. The unborn life is worthy of protection and his right of life must be defended by the state. A complete release is absolutely unconstitutional
I’m against abortions, except there’s a good reason for it. Like the pregnant woman doesn’t want to be pregnant.
It is possible to double prevent, if necessary, three times with the fabric animal
If you are interested in reading:
I don’t think you have to think about whether you want to get a child I think
Unfortunately, the contraceptives are not 100% safe
the white man and woman
There are also other ways out of accountme
What? That the contraceptives do not protect 100%? Should everyone know
Here you can see how little people (mainly men) don’t know. There must be more enlightenment and finally a prevention for men
So it’s very safe, but still not perfect. It always happens that you get pregnant despite contraception sticks.
It’s not 100% safe. The safest are 99.9% for sterilization among others.
Wow, you can copy from anywhere text here…
Prove that this contraceptive protects 100%, but you don’t have it. You won’t even hear that from the doctor.
Here nix will come more
The contraception stick is a long-term hormonal contraceptive. The approximately brush-sized plastic stick is placed directly under the skin of the upper arm and permanently releases a gestagen hormone into the blood. It protects against pregnancy for up to three years
What are you doing?
100% warranty there is nowhere.
Give me a completely safe contraceptive.
Get out.
No, there isn’t.
But there are
No contraceptive is 100% safe. Nobody mentioned condoms before you did.
If a woman is still far too young, in a very difficult situation of life or became pregnant by a crime, then I support an abortion.
But in the end, every woman must decide and answer.
It’s good that there’s the possibility.