Meint ihr Unterbewusstsein kann Dinge voraussehen?

Habe mal gehört, man träum so stark, da dein Unterbewusstsein weiß, dass das so passieren kann.

klingt komisch, aber meine, wenn man so fest daran denkt, dass diese Träume einen wirklich berühren, es einen wirklich glücklich macht, darüber nachzudenken, dass dein Unterbewusstsein dir das so mitteilen will?

findet ihr da ist was dran?

An die Abergläubischen:)

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9 months ago

If you’re thinking of something, you’ll be aware of it.

In the subconscious, the things you do automatically are stored without (big) thinking about it.

As for dreams: You have to remember these and even if dreams are not necessarily to take word literally.

But you can gradually replace harmful beliefs with those that are harmonious to you in the positive sense.

At some point, you don’t think about it.

9 months ago
Reply to  justcourious

Okay, then – for me – the term “underconsciousness” is not suitable.

What can happen: You think of something specific and nothing happens all the time. Then you let go of this thought, maybe forget it and then do something.

9 months ago

to break down for people who are rooted in material

if you think of something, then you’re looking for it

if you are constantly looking for something you will find it sooner or later

If you think you want to go there or there, you will act subconsciously so that you will come there.

you can stop now, but the fun starts here

a good book on the topic, just because not so the JuJu explanation is but a bit dry and with humor is

A direct way to the positive mindset

on Amazon.

9 months ago
Reply to  trytologin


if everything you think is that you know what I am, something you want to come there sometime

the thing is not thinking

I will never make

but to imagine that you already have it.

I always want a device that I liked and now I’ve been working for the company that makes these things for two years.

that took 20 years, but that’s what you always think you can’t do. You have no idea what’s out there. You can go over the street and meet the love of your life. Or anything else.

But you can only reach what you can imagine. Only if you can accept that you can and may. But then you’re going anywhere.

Be careful that you want something that no one does or that you want something because you want it and not to impress others or something.

The comparison with others is garbage. Better get because you want to get better is the only one. You’re never better than your neighbor. Just as he’s better than you. There’s something you’re really fucking in, someone can do much better. And he really sucks in what. You can.

9 months ago

Esoteric bullshit. You can think a lot. If I have a flowerpot from 12 every 10 minutes. I guess I’ll kill you sometime.
