Meint ihr Erotik Romane schreiben lohnt sich?
Ich schreibe sehr gerne und hätte irgendwie Lust mal ein Erotik Ebook zu veröffentlichen. Aber ich will natürlich was dabei verdienen. Liest sowas überhaupt jemand, denkt ihr das lohnt sich?
Hey:) Ich bin mir nicht wirklich sicher, wie man einen Traum (aus der Erzähler-Sicht) in einem Roman beschreiben soll. Bin einfach neu auf dem Gebiet. Kann mir da jemand ein paar Tipps geben? LG und schönen Tag noch:)
Hallo, ich Bräuchte ein ein Paar Themen für Sachberichte welche ich als Landschaftsgärtner schreiben könnte, da mir leider nichts mehr einfällt. Ich habe schon über Stellplatzt legen mit Pflastersteinen geschrieben, wie ein Baum gepflanzt wird, über Dachbegrünung und über Veredelung. Doch ich benötige 10 Pro Jahr. Also bitte ich um ein Paar Tipps. Liebe Grüße
Ich hab’ einem meiner Kapitel den Namen “Quokka Race” gegeben. In dem Kapitel geht es halt um die beiden Protagonisten, die nennen einander Quokka, (eine Art Mini-Känguru) und gehen zusammen skaten. Dann machen sie halt ein Rennen, und so bin ich auf “Quokka Race” gekommen. Kann ich das lassen? Lg 🙂
Ich präsentiere das Buch in der Schule(Kl. 8) als GFS(Präsentation mit Schriftlicher ausarbeitung).Ich habe das Buch gelesen und auch angehört hat jemand noch Informationen für mich ? Schon mal danke für eure Hilfe🤗🥰 LG Nanni:)
There are whole publishing houses for erotic literature, so the market is available. But if one manages to successfully mix with his idea and his manuscript, that is another question.
I find “the Uschtrin” the most helpful reference book if you are on the way as a hopeful new author and want to publish something:
The various publishers and genres are also presented, scroll down a bit, then a list of publishers specializing in eroticism comes up:
You can then click through the individual publishers if you can send your manuscript there or if they only want a sample or do not take into account any unsolicited entries at all. At blue panther Verlag, for example, this is the page that describes what they are looking for (and what not) and how to submit manuscripts to them:
I mean, that’s what Kindle’s doing in the self-verlag.
I’ve read it’s going to mass. I would like to try this and try to put together a band with erotic short stories.
It is not much different in erotic novels than in other topics: no 5 per cent of the authors (and these are the ones who publish books at renowned publishers) can live by writing. For everyone else, it’s a grant business. And as a newcomer to be accepted at an agency at all (I’m not talking about a publisher), is hard enough.
Asking the question would be like that if someone who has never played football asks if he can play with a big Bundesliga association.
The success of 50 Shades of Grey is a term for you? So it can be financially worthwhile if you have a good hand for the mass taste. But if writing makes you happy, I would do it all for myself, even if it doesn’t have a cent.
Is the question serious?
Everyone goes in this direction and all of them came very well, although they were mostly not even very well written.
Sex has always sold well and that will not change in the future. There is never a guarantee that it sells well, because this depends on many factors, but basically: yes, it is worth it.
Thank you! What do you think these novels you mentioned were so good when they weren’t well written?
That’s a good question. I honestly didn’t finish any of these rows, but it’s noticeable that male protagonists are almost always arrogant assholes that drag dark secrets around and have a proper sexual appetite. Mixed with hot sex scenes affects most readers of such books, I guess.
Don’t misunderstand me: You are not written in a grottenschlecht, but the language is often very simple and sometimes also vulgar (depending on Storyline), that’s not everyone.
Very Bad Kings also had much bigger problems (the figures were cruelly written), but it still sold mega well.
Well, most women are dressed by men who are mysterious, dark and dangerous. At least in her imagination and exactly that is addressed with such books. That’s why it always works so well. : As long as you don’t put this imagination into reality, I don’t see a problem.
Thank you! This is very interesting! Seems to attract a lot of women. The Assl**h meets the one woman he changes to the good. It’s a toxic fantasy of many women…
If you do good advertising, can write good or otherwise you can get something out of it, you’ll definitely get money.
If so, it won’t tell anyone. That’s like watching porn.
Let it go, there’s something more meaningful.