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Yeah, I think it’s very expensive.
The price for a can in the supermarket is actually expensive considering what you pay for the mix, but for a ‘real’ mojito with fresh ingredients and high quality rum is already very cheap.
However, the price could indicate the quality of the ingredients. For example, the first time I tried the pre-mix of Bacardi and actually got headaches. This was probably due to the cheaper ingredients that are often used in cheap cocktails. Since then I have moved to fresh, high-quality cocktails.
So if you plan a party and don’t want to miss out on good quality, I would recommend a private bartender instead of pre-mixed cocktails. This sounds more expensive, but it is often not so much more, and you get a much better quality – and above all no headache!
From house parties to weddings is my favorite Richman’s bar. I recommend it again and again, as the service and the cocktail are just great. Here you get cocktails on bar level, with fresh ingredients and perfectly mixed. If you don’t know him yet, here’s the link: