Meint er das ernst? Bitte ernst nehmen ich habe Angst?
Es ist etwas besser aber ich habe immer noch Angst. Mein Kopf ist leer. Ich kann nicht klar denken. Ich habe Angst. Bin immer noch am zittern und mir ist schwindlig. Es geht um Den Tod meines GroĂvaters und die Beerdigung die ich nicht miterleben werde
Wird er mich wirklich fahren ? Ich vertraue niemandem mehr . Ich habe Angst bitte nehmt mich ernst !! Ich brauche Hilfe. Habe gerade mit meinem Bruder telefoniert aber es hat etwas geholfen aber ich bin trotzdem gerade total verloren đ
It’s all normal, believe me.
All my relatives are dead.
The loss of the beloved mother, this is the only pain that never passes. I’ve seen it.
And you’re going through that too.
Don’t think clearly, tears, mistake around, do something without meaning, all completely normal.
And the wonderful with us Jews, the Shiva time, the week of sitting on the ground and leaving all feelings out. Friends come with food, sit with us, wear us.
Thank you very much
my brother is coming
I’m so sorry that your family is dead
I can’t do it in time for funeral and I’m afraid my family will condemn me!
But I’m all probably gonna be bothered at Shiwa’s week because I just have to cry. I’m finished. I’m sorry. I thank you
I don’t know if I can trust him to drive me to the airport.
It’s Shiwa time, so no one will hate you.
When your time comes, you’ll see him again. These are our teachings and you know that too. A farewell, but not forever.
He used to tell me stories and we laughed together
and why do you rely on the gf community? call
Sadness can be very overwhelming. Don’t be alone. Call in the phone care or chat with them. Drive to friends or family for a few days. Take all the time you need
By the way, I’m sure he drives you
Really??? Oh my God
Thank you
No. I don’t want an apology. I am happy
Yes đ my brother is coming by right now. Thank you for your compassion đŃïžes I am so sorry I don’t want to annoy anyone but I think I just have an emotional exception situation I am so sorry
You see. That’s normal when the mourning is so big. Please see someone coming to you for a few days and being with you. It’s best today?
Yes đbut at the moment I feel that my brain does not work
Why shouldn’t he. You can rely on him, right?
What’s wrong with you? With all the mourning, turn brains in and organize your tomorrow flight. As you can see, I won’t hate anyone. Calm down.
I can’t make it a funeral because I don’t get an earlier flight. My family will hate me.
No, she won’t. Talk to them that you just don’t get another flight. You can try to fly over last minute
Okay, talk to your family. Say you come as soon as possible
Thanks only I have booked for tomorrow đI haven’t found anything for tonight or night
As I said, you can try last minute with the airlines. Maybe you’ll get away tonight or night
When is the funeral
I booked a flight tomorrow