Meine Vorgesetzte quatscht mich voll was kann ich tun?
Manchmal sagt sie sogar Dinge wie „ich weiss es interessiert dich nicht aber“ und dann kommen Dinge aus ihrem Privatleben
Wenn ich versuche das Gespräch zu beenden passt sie den Augenblick ganz genau ab und fängt mit einem neuen Thema an
Male: Interesting.
Learn the following topics:
Group dynamics: There is always a sort of pastoral care in the group that has to listen to the concerns and needs of the other members. Maybe you’ve become that. (Many say the superior doesn’t belong to it… others say the opposite…)
Women communicate to characterize their belongings: Men more to share information. In any case, the communication behaviour in the sexes varies.
Lack of suitable communication partners. Use the opportunity to build a business relationship with your superiors and to communicate there also about problems in the team/company…
She wants something private from you: I don’t know her. what can I say?
I sometimes have to tell things that don’t be interested… but sometimes I have to listen to something like that…
Special case.
Narcistical trains.
Uninteresting looking and always saying I don’t know.
After that she seeks another victim.
Who contradicts or annoys superiors has, at least in extreme cases, but it is not rare to laugh.
As long as it is paid and no service is required.
Tell her it doesn’t suit you – and live with the consequences.