My aunt is sometimes vegan?


My aunt sometimes eats vegan…not in the sense that she tries to find a vegan alternative as often as possible. Some days she's vegan and others she's not. It changes every two days. Her explanation: "Yes, sometimes I feel like a vegan and sometimes I don't."

Anyway, we had a big family gathering this weekend, and my grandmother cooked roast pork. A week ago, she asked everyone if it was okay, and everyone—even my aunt!—was fine with it. And then at the family gathering, my aunt complained about why there was nothing vegan for her. My grandmother then asked why she hadn't said that, and my aunt just said, "It just happens spontaneously when I'm vegan…that's why we always need a vegan alternative for me." Then she drove home, offended…


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1 year ago

In other words… she feeds omnivor.

She feeds on how many other people are. On some days purely vegetable, on other days vegetarian, again on other days the choice of meals goes towards pescetarism…. etc

On the one hand, how to feed is due to the current financial situation in which you are just… and on the other hand, a pure decision a la “I have pleasure/what do I have at home today”.

Well, if you change “very spontaneously” the daily taste, you must not complain if you cannot be taken into consideration “very spontaneously and suspicionally” of this spontaneousness.

Plus, as an adult you can call there if necessary for an upcoming private meal, “Hello Mama, I look forward to our family meeting. Is it right for you to bring me a purely vegan alternative today? Yes I know last week…. you know that I always adapt my daily diet to the needs of my body in a targeted way…. “. In the end, you would agree “She brings herself a portion of a dish that suits her” – or she eats in front of her home, comes later (after the family meal) for the rest of the day – or she eats home and then sits with a few supplements on the plate with at the dining table.

But maybe it’s just something that doesn’t like to react “so spontaneously” to spontaneity. Or you became aware “Oh, today the world doesn’t turn around me.”

1 year ago

Daytime Vegan does not go Vegan is one or just not.vegan not only has to eat but also in all the other, like e.g. keidung no leather,Fell,Seide and so far.

1 year ago
Reply to  sikas

New word creation:

  • “Flexigan”…;)
1 year ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

but could apply to many areas

1 year ago

Sometimes vegans don’t exist. Either you feed and live vegan or not. If your aunt is not a vegan just because it has no socks on animal products on some days.

Even I had such phases before my transition to vegan, far from my vegan time. Then one day or a few days is not after what animal and for that, but on all other days. One day you don’t have a bell on meat, but you’re dairy products. This has not made me a vegan 30 years ago, and I also do not know anyone who really needs meat every day for every meal or animal products. I think everyone eating normally also has days when there is nothing animal and it is only for a meal sometimes not

1 year ago

Your aunt turns the way she needs it.

Many are not full Vegan, a roof because in some places is a bit more difficult to find for everything a different alternative (e.g. village).

Your aunt likes to call himself a vegan, but I wouldn’t invite her or say she can bring herself something. If she decides differently, I would have liked another drama.

Either she takes care of her own food, or she can stay away.

1 year ago

Depending on the appetite, I also count on meat. After a certain time I have again appetite for wild or fish. Especially since I have to dialysis I have eaten a lot of poultry sausage. Mei Body wanted that?

1 year ago

Provided your story really happened SO:

Your aunt could have just brought some vegans – she can’t expect from the grandma to take into account their “panes-wchsle-dich-animosities”!

If she really makes her diet flexible, she should be flexible enough – seriously – to stand up to her commitment…

The Grandma did not do so.

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s called flexiarians.

1 year ago
Reply to  AlexDaene

Thank you, THE word I was looking for

1 year ago
Reply to  Rockige

Isn’t that true?

“Freeganers” are looking for a part of their food from containers…

1 year ago

Who would have been so stupid with me for the last time.

Who eats normal, vegetarian and sometimes vegan is called flexitar… I also like that.

1 year ago

It’s disrespectful.

I wouldn’t cook it anymore.

Next time, you just put a finished salad.

1 year ago

Your aunt spins. Either you’re 100% vegan, or you’re using vegan phases. It doesn’t make you a vegan. I think she likes to be important.

Did you think of her kindly?

1 year ago

She doesn’t eat vegan.

1 year ago

Sometimes being vegan, that’s not possible. Either I’m a vegan or not. Doesn’t say anything about making days to feed vegan, in the garment. But vegans are not